Why is my guinea pig really scared of me?

When I open the hutch door my rabbit will come straight up to me but my guinea pig will run off into it’s bed where I can’t see him. How can I stop her from doing this ?

Answer #1

If you guinea pig is young that is just natural, you need to give it tons of attention, you have to do the same with rats and mice if you dont want them to bite you. I personally never had that problem with my guinea hog, but a good way to help her out is too do this slowly, dont rush right into it, but get her favorite treats, lettuce carrots, fruit (not too much fruit dont need diarrhea), and when she comes out, dont rush right in to grab her, then she will never trust you, as she is eating from your hand slowly put your hand in and pet her, and if she runs, dont push her or take your hand out, just get her to come to you again and try to pet her again, keep doing this till she gets desensitized to your hand, and then try to pick her up. What all this patience and waiting will do with the treats is reinforce that you = something tasty and good. Good luck :)

Answer #2

try bringing her out with her favorit treet mabey you rabit scares her and your guinea pig thinks she will get hurt!:)good luck!

Answer #3

Most guinea pigs do that…I had one as a child tho that wasnt scared of me as much because when we opend the fridge he wud start yipping he new that it was time for lettuce or carrots so try giving him that and he will wait at his dish for it

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