Why is it okay for the government to discriminate?

Most places (jobs, housing, ect) the persons whom are offering these things are not allowed to discriminate based on gender, sexual orentation, age, ect., but the government does on a daily basis e.g., marriage and military jobs. Why do the American people keep allowing this to happen (please keep your radical opinions to yourself)?

Answer #1

Personally, I think it’s one of those “so many fish to fry” kind of issues - eg, when you start looking at how many areas in which the government is failing it’s people, you come up with a very long list, really fast.

Eg, wasted spending, programs that don’t work, outdated policies, unfair treatment of people depending on if they make $ or $$$ per year, etc, etc.

As a parent, education is a HUGE deal for me…and, to get a decent public school, we live in a really expensive neighborhood where I can’t afford to buy. However, education is only one issue on the government’s long list of things they need to get better at.

Ironically, Sacramento is the least safe, highest crime city of it’s size here in California…but, it’s the state capital. And, DC is the highest crime per capita in the country…if our government could really make a difference in things, shouldn’t those statistics be different? Eg, the closer you get to the source of “power” the less problems there are…? However, it’s the opposite, the closer you get to power, the dirtier it seems the politician.

Personally, I’ve called, petitioned, and communicated more with my elected leaders in the last 12 months than I have in the last 13 years since I obtained the right to vote. If there’s anything positive FunAdvice can do on the subject of making government (US in particular) more accountable, I’m all for it. Irregardless of political party or view, the government needs to be held accountable for it’s actions - or lack thereof.

Answer #2

The government can do anything they damn well please. They have all the guns.

Answer #3

it used to be illegal for inter-racial couples to get married. but now it is common practice. different generation, same bigots.

Answer #4

because the people in power can do what they want they feed lies to create dillusions and carry out their plans they disempower the people

Answer #5

Because politics is discrimination.

We the people have so many rights that aren’t being obeyed. We the people don’t have a say anymore.Government took over!

Answer #6

e.g. marriage and military jobs

I assume you mean homosexuality?

because you’ve got the religious right who protest it claiming it is unnatural and against God’s law. Why religion is allowed to influence politics, who knows

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