Why is it I cant stay sleep during the night?

Okay, so ever since my sisters were born 5 years ago it seems as though I cant stay sleep throughout the night. For example I may go to bed at 9 (Im 14 and I know that may seem like its abnormal but it isnt I love sleeping) and I may wake up at 4:30am, then maybe 5:00…it isnt the same time every night..but its kinda been bothering and I just wanna know the answer.

Answer #1

well that happened to me not too long ago waht I realized was I sleep for exactly 8 hrs unless im disturbed.so find out how long you sleep 4 and just calculate waht time you have to wake up or waht time you want to wake up around for example if I wanna wake up at 9 am ill go ta sleep at

Answer #2

Well…I dont take naps during the day…but in class if the lights are off I am really tired and I start to doze off…and yea…im actually sleep at 9 o’clock. No im not completely rested at 4:30 because maybe 2 minutes later Im sleep again.

Answer #3

Do the math, you say you go to sleep at around 9 right? Then you wake up around 5. If you count the hours in between it adds up to about 8 hours of sleep. Pretty much the exact amount of sleep you need. As a child you need a lot more sleep, your 14 years old now and the amount of sleep your getting is the recommended amount so your fine :)

Answer #4

I used to have that problem and didnt want to take anything unnatural so I went to my local vitamin store. they suggested melatonin. it is the natural hormone our brains make when it starts to get dark the brain stops producing it when light hits our eyes. well, not all of our brains continue to create it for that long so I supplemented my lack of melatonin with melatonin! take no more than you need limit is 3 I believe, but I do get a great nights sleep and feel rested come morning! good luck and remember to anyone who reads this be sure to read directions or consult your doctor.

Answer #5

When you say you go to bed at 9, do you actually fall asleep at 9? Because if it takes you an hour to go to sleep and you’re waking up at 4.30, you’re definitely not getting enough sleep. Are you tired during the day? Is your sleep completely restful till 4.30? Do you take naps?

Consider filling out a sleep log


See how you’re doing. If you’re seeing anything that sends out warning bells, maybe you should mention it to your doctor.

Answer #6

Okay great! thnx

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