why is it depressing?

Everytime when im going to bed, I think about my life. And when I do I get really depressed! My life is going pretty good though. It doesnt make sense. I get pretty good grades, I have lots of stuff, my band is doing pretty well, I have LOTS of friends, lots of girls too.

The only thing really missing in my life is a girlfriend. I want a girlfriend real bad for some reason. But then when I do have a girlfriend, I feel like I shouldn’t and I want to be single.

Its so confusing and I guess thats what makes me depressed.

I dont know. what does everyone think?

Answer #1

Well, same here. Perhaps you dont really love that girl and you’re just desperate to have a girlfriend.

I use to be desperate to have a boyfriend but once I get them, I’ll feel like I dont like them. Anyway, I never like them before. Im just desperate. All it brings for me is being guilty for playing them.

Maybe you should wait for the right girl whom you really love. Its pretty hard to find the one whom we really love. Sometimes, we thought we love them, but we’re absolutely wrong. Its only we thought. If you really met this girl, ask yourself what you’re willing to give in for this relationship. Dont just say the words, you need to show by using actions too. If you really found this girl, you have to understand that relationship is like riding a rollarcoaster.. There will be ups and downs.

I guess another reason you feel depressed because of the stresses. When a person’s life seems to be so wonderful, the person tends to be afraid that he or she will lose the wonderful life someday as when time goes, things changed.

I hope I helped. =]

Answer #2

I think you should actually just take your time finding a girlfriend but you have your whole life to find the right girl.

Answer #3

Hi, I know what you mean and its just caus its not the right person - when you are with the one you like you will want to be together with them and won’t be able to imagine being single. Lots of people can just date for the sake of it but others can only date if it is true love - that’s me unfortunately. I know what you mean also - my life is great in most areas cept just broke up with ex and am still obsessed over him so keep getting depressed. Only way is to force yourself to act happy and apparently eventually you will be happy! Socialise, do positive thinking exercises, makes lists of good things and try not to dwell on bad things. Good luck!

Answer #4

Oh man, I know that dilema well. It used to bug me every night. Then I realized I had to think about the girl I was dating and why I was dating her. Are you afraid to date her in case someone better comes along? Is there someone better for you out there? All I had to do was look at my girlfriend and realize that I was happy with her, it didn’t matter if someone was better, the point is, I was happy. So just kinda think about what would make you happy, and if the girl doesnt, then maybe she’s not the one to be with,

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