Just depressed

I’m feeling so overwhelemed and depressed right now…I know this isn’t a counseling center, but what do you do when you’re feeling so low all you want to do is cry?

So much is going wrong in my life now and I feel like screaming…

Answer #1

that is exactly how I am feeling. I just try and talk to all my friends listen to happy cheerful music

you feel like every little thing that goes wrong you can just cry about when you normally not like that. it will get better you just have to talk to people. talk to your friends or family tell them you have been feeling lousy they will understand and try and make you feel better

Answer #2

I’VE been depressed before, and I know how it feels and all you caan do is be sad and feel like life is so godddamn unfair. What you need to do is give yourself a reality check, is it that bad that you spend too much time depressed? How would you feel if someone close to you were going through that crap? And for the most part I say, ask yourself whether or not you want to spend the next five years like this. If anything else msg me. Later.

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