Why im I bleeding in my vigina area?

Well im bleeding in my vigina area and I dont no why I havent had sex in like a year and a half and I been bleeding flor two weeks I dont no if thats a period or not last week and could it be cancer my mom had cervical cancer and she died from it 3 months ago so if anybody out there please answer me

Answer #1

it might be your period its called an irragular period I have that problem also if you go to the doctor they might put you on birth control to help regulate it. sorry about your lost :( I have lost an aunty in october to cervical cancer.

Answer #2

im pretty sure that its called ure period… but I dont know… im sorry… if it’s lasted for about two weeks then im pretty sure that it ISNT ure period. you should try going to a doctor.

Answer #3

it could be your period, but id go to your doctor just to make sure best of luck && sorry about your loss

Answer #4

your period but if not you should go see your family doctor

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