Why doesn't he get the message, god?

Ok there’s a guy im my school(he is hot and nice and I hang around with him. He is a rrally popular guy though) and he likes me. Like, enough to go out with me. The other week I was like, “dude, theres otha fish in the sea.go and find ‘em, man.” this is how he started to like me!:

A couple of months ago we were hangin’ around and we were playin’ truth or dare. I got a dare, and that dare was to kiss him. Like, french kiss him. I had alrealy kissed a guy(my ex. He was nice but he wasn’t aroung a lot. But I did french kiss him). So I did the dare. A couple of days after that, he were hangin’ at the skate park when he jabbed my side( im a playful mannor) and he finnaly found my waist( im a tomboy and I wear baggy clothes) and he soon said I had a nice body. I said “ seriously, man, your barkin’ up the wrong tree.”

Then a week after that, he asked me out. I said no ‘cause I don’t like him in that way, plus I like his pal, and his pal likes me…

So what do I do to get this pushy dude off my back? Im open to all sugestions

Answer #1

You tell him about liking someone else. He will get the hint :) Just keep being friendly but not flirty.

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