Why does this kid activate my mothering side?

It’s not even that I have “feelings” for him it’s just that I want to nurture him. He’s had so much go on in his life, never had a mother or a father for that matter, he grew up with his grandparents who developed alzheimers and he was the one who had to care for them.our lives have a lot of parallels. Whenever he’s sick I take care of him when ever he’s in a bind im there to help him out. I’m in general a mothering type but never to this extent. I just wanna care for him and be the mother he never had I guess and I’m not sure what it is that brings out that in me. Any ideas whats going on here?

Answer #1

maybe if this is whats been going on that its meant to be ths way. if in anyway it starts to get tothe point where you have had it and you have other things to do you have to stand up for urself. its a sad story, but its time for him to move on. you cant take care of him forever. every now and then its okay but you need to tell him strait up that you understand what he has been thrw but again you have a life. and im thinkin maybe its time he did somethin for you for a change right? dont feel obligated to do anthing for someone else.

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