Why does this happen to me? A bit of a rant.

Why is it that I can’t get boyfriend or something. I mean, come ooon! I’m 18 and never been kissed! But anyway, why is it that only older guys approach me?? I mean they know I’m young, because I look younger in person (and I’m mature for my age, had to grow up cause my mom has medical problems and I’ve never had a dad), so why in the WORLD are they approaching me? I get sick and tired of this! I know someone out there is probably thinking, “She’s single, wants a man, but isn’t happy about this? Heck If I were her, I’d take what I can get…” NOooo! Why am I attracting the wrong type of guys?? Why not someone close to my own age? I can never find one. Should I just go for someone that’s like 20 years older than me? Throw in the towel and just do it? (I want people’s opinion…I’m at wits end here! I can find NO ONE around my age!)

Answer #1

Maybe you’re throwing off the commitment vibe and guys your own age don’t want that. That’s why the older guys are approaching you. You said that you are mature for your age…ever hear that guys mature slower than girls? If you don’t want the whole marriage and kids thing right now, then maybe you should just chill out and let the guys see your fun side (your 18 year old side)

Answer #2

no no no, dont give up! I have this problem, I usually get creepy old men hitting on me (started when I was 14 for some unknown reason). Just give it some time. Maybe try different avenues of dating… But no, do you really want to be with some old guy? Who has absolutely no business hitting on an 18 year old in the first place!

Answer #3

wow jonathan, that is obviously naruto, not avatar.

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