Why does this happen? (2)

Like I said before My relationships ion the past 2 years have gone wrong everytime and I treat them the best I can I show them how much I love them and I show them how much trust and comfort I have with them… but the thing is they always either cheat on me or just use me for a distrction for another guy(I already know its not my size because I’m pretty damn big) also this girl I found I almost 100% sure she is just right for me but we always argue then we make up what does this mean?

Answer #1

dude!!!@!@!#^%!#^%^!%@^% omfg rofl lmfao jks with that…but yea me and my girlfriend are in the same situation we argue a lot at night over petty things but in the morning I wake up and give her kisses and a cuddle before I head of to work at 5 am…all healthy relationships are meant to have little disagreements and so on…dude id like to say in your post next time..dont tell people how big you are…no 1 cares girls can cheat on you for the main reason..u might be big but dont know how to use it…2nd some girls are just like that…and 3rd just think about it…are you happy? ask her if she is happy…dude you both can talk about these things that piss her off and what piss you off and try and fix things…u never know you’s might be together for ever or maybe not…I say you only live once so think long and hard about this question “ is she the 1” hope you work it out mate

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