Why does my period act off and on?

Im 20 years old and I have been having the same problems for the past 9months And I have not had sex in over 6months my period is on and off and it is mixed some red and a lot of brown some days it only brown.. I just got my period this month I finshed about 4days ago and now it has come back can anyone tell me if this is normal I know I cant be prego because I always used condums and checked them after.. Can anyone help me I got myself checked and it was all good im very worried

Answer #1

If you ha sex over six months ago then you could be pregnant, right? Some women do bleed during pregnancy. Take a test and go to Dr.

Answer #2

umm one thing it could possible be which it hopefully isn’t is cancer… my mom had some of those problems.. she’d either miss her period or have 2 in one month… go to a doctor it may be nothing though.. if your stressed it can cause to be irregular or completely miss all together

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