Why does my dad always do this!?

I’ve Noticed over the past few months that my 46 year old dad almost CONSTANTLY walks around with his hand down the front of his pants. Only wristdeep or so. He makes no attempt to hide whatever it is he’s doing. (he walks up to me and my mom with his hand shoved down there And goes on talking like normal). My mom never says anything And I’m too easily embaressed to ask her or my dad what’s up. So general question: what on EARTH is he doing, and WHY?!

Answer #1

LOL, typical male responses!!! Why do guys need to touch or adjust their little johnnies in public? Are some guys so off with the fairies, they need to make sure their penis is still attached to their bodies every couple of minutes?.

Cls13, let’s hope your question is genuine :o and if so, ask your dad nicely and politely to stop touching his manhood within view of yourself and any family members (apart from your mum)…Seriously, doesn’t matter what the reasons are, ‘he has sweaty balls’, ‘he needs to adjust it to be more comfortable’, it’s not on and your dad should respect you as his daughter.

By the way, I’m sure your bright enough to know why guys put their hands down their pants… 2+2 = 4 not 5, so come now you get me? :)

I live with two brothers and if one of them adjust their nut sacks within my view, I would tell them to piss off and do it elsewhere and away from my poor delicate eyes.

Answer #2

have you lot only just been born 1 second ago??? lol

its a bloke thing… ok :p

Answer #3

NO NO NO, nfl legend, your wrong. The reason your dad does that is because your mom does not give it enough attention. He is just trying to stimulate it. I think he misses the feeling of excitement and pleasure.

I dont put my hand down there to fix it or anything, neither does any of the guys I know, its not natural, its a dirty habit that must be stopped.

Answer #4

If he respects you and you’re family, he won’t scratch down there in front of you guys that much, to me, that’s a bit disrespectful. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t do that if you guys had company over.

Answer #5

well I gusse he is ruping his thingy it makes him feel good o.o you can look once at him at his hand on your face saying what are you doing maybe he will ask you whats ther and you tell him , he may never do it beside you again

Answer #6

I mean he’s my dad. I just…I don’t know. It would be sook awkward to even mention it, you know?

Answer #7

OMG ok you guys havta be girls…ok m gunna settle this once and 4 all guys do that because are “junk” gets sweaty and sticks to our legs..you can imagine how weird that feels so we fix it the only way we can…it weird but natural…just say umm hello im sitting right here! and he will be so freaked out he will stop..I would bet money he would…hope this helps

Answer #8

Someone I knew (that I deeply hate) did the same thing, I was disgusted from the sight of it, but I did my best to ignore it. If your unable to tell him it’s making you uncomfortable, write him a note saying so. If he doesn’t listen, and he keeps on doing it, whenever he comes around you like that, turn your head and look at something else.

I know it’s disturbing, but just do your best.

Answer #9

maybe he’s itchy

Answer #10

Its just a habit, there is nothin sexual about it, he’s proabably just keeping his hand warm. Lots of small boys do it. Just tell him its offensive and keep reminding him because he proabably doesnt know he’s doing it half the time.

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