Why do some people think threatening speach is OK?

Fascinating when reading a court decision in California on the first amendment, and the summary judgement which included a verdict that upheld the notion which says that threatening speach isn’t protected under our laws. It’s a good thing…eg, you can’t threaten to kill somebody and say “I was kidding”…the first amendment doesn’t protect that kind of shenanigans.

However, from what I’ve seen running FunAdvice…it seems like a basic understanding of our constitutional freedoms (and restrictions) is missing from most people’s educations. I know it was from mine. Shouldn’t our government do a better job of educating it’s citizenry as to their rights and responsibilities?

Answer #1

Hey man I’m a long time Republican & I don’t disagree with it being biased but that doesn’t negate the fact that they actually report news that none of the left liberal garbage reports . Yet they report both sides while still being true to the right. I challenge you to show me these lies they come up with. Watch an hour of Beck Hannity, Oreilly, not one lies if they do I have seen them correct it. They have balanced debates all the time. They were the first to air the Acorn scandals . First to report Van Jones as being a Racist on video his words 2 days later Obama fires him. The reason none of the administration will come on FOX is because they would get grilled & have nothing to answer for. Its no secret the current Admin is garbage the left knows it & of course they’re salty so they blame FOX for outing every little thing these idiots say or do. Why would I watch BBC what do they know about American Politics wait they do know that this admin is spending our money . On bills that the country DOES NOT WANT free health care. Sweet until you find out your paying for some lazy person who thinks the GOV is a meal ticket. Hm mm sound familiar welfare maybe lol. I’m not cool with that. Its all in polls man they all have horrible approval ratings & In Nov we will win our seats back and nothing Obama wants will get passed. The man has spent more money in 2 years than Bush did in 8 the least the left can do is own up to making a mistake voting for a man who barely was senator for a year in the state I’m from so I know his ties to Bill Ayers & all these hippies from back in the day you want hippies running the country or do you want a leader that is strong . We look weak to other countries & as stupid as bush was I felt safe with him in office anyway I could go on about how bad he is but he isnt the only idiot in office. That goes for right & Left.

Answer #2

LIES? lmao show me proof?

I just did. The thing with pelosi. And that just happened the other day.

I can show you poll numbers I can prove there was more than 1 conviction

There was NO convictions against acorn. Go ahead, show me your proof.

matter fact Acorn had to change the company name simply for the fact its co founder was caught embezzling money from the company. Congress stopped funding them as well for the practices.

First off, it was not a company. It was an organization. It did not changes its name, it disbanded. The witch hunt was very successful. It was not the founder, it was his brother. That doesn’t mean the organization itself did anything illegal.

Yea 911 happened how many attacks or attempts after?

None, It doesn’t change the fact that it happened under his watch.

Now how many attempted attacks now under Obama? my count is 5 now.

Really? Five 9/11-type attacks? Please let me know what those were. I must have missed them.

Also the blame Bush for everything is just kinda moot after 2 years in office

I know you are a FOX viewer, so simple math might be tough, but Obama took office on Jan 20, 2009. That would mean his has only been in office less than 1 year and 3 months. Bush left a disaster in his wake. But I don’t just blame bush, he just pushed us over the edge, but this economic collapse has been the result of 30 years of reganomics and deregulation.

typical left tactic to take the real issue of out of context spending is out of control.

What exactly is out-of-context spending? The spending is necessary in order to fix the mess left by bush. At least the money we are spending now is staying here, and not being thrown away on a unprovoked war that has cost a trillions and killed millions of people, or being handed over to big business. Where was you outrage at bush when he nearly doubled the national debt?

I don’t rely on FOX for political knowledge I rely on my age experience. I’m 28 I’ve seen plenty of other presidents am quite informed on the ones of past the Jimmy Carter years being a good example of the steps Obama is following In.

Well I have almost twice your experience. What does that mean. You don’t rely on FOX, but your arguments are nothing but the takling points they spew everyday. Your “politcal knowledge” has been shown to be quite lacking. If Carter had won in 1980, this country would have been far better off.

My true colors lol. Sorry but the ones who actually need it are less then by people who really leech off governments teet. . I’m poor as hell right now you don’t see me whining about why I don’t have money its my fault I can change it I don’t rely on the GOV to save me.

Yes, your true colors. You are the epitome of a low-information FOX viewer. And how do you know that everyone who is on government assistance is just leeching off the government, and is not in real need? You are poor? By whose standard? Do you have a roof over your head? Do you know where your next meal is coming from? Give me a break. You probably still live at home.

All you do is repeat what you here from conservative talk shows. Try thinking for yourself.

That’s the difference between us I believe in working for what you want the left thinks everyone should have it equal

You have no idea what I or the ‘left’ thinks. I think government should play a role in making the lives of ALL americans better. Some people truly need more help than others. Will some people try to take advantage. Of course, but that is not a reason to do it at all.

hence why people on both sides of the fence dislike his plans they directly interrupt the free market. Which is why employment numbers are down.

You really have no idea what you are talking about. There is nothing free about a free-market. It is an unrestricted free market that lead us to where we are today. Unemployment started rising under Bush. If you think Obama’s policies are the cause of unemployment, you are only proving how little you actually know about it.

Stop being an apoligist for the right and the corporate interests that control them. Think for your self.

Answer #3

LIES? lmao show me proof? I can show you poll numbers I can prove there was more than 1 conviction matter fact Acorn had to change the company name simply for the fact its co founder was caught embezzling money from the company. Congress stopped funding them as well for the practices.

Yea 911 happened how many attacks or attempts after? Now how many attempted attacks now under Obama? my count is 5 now.

Also the blame Bush for everything is just kinda moot after 2 years in office typical left tactic to take the real issue of out of context spending is out of control.

I don’t rely on FOX for political knowledge I rely on my age & experience. I’m 28 I’ve seen plenty of other presidents & am quite informed on the ones of past the Jimmy Carter years being a good example of the steps Obama is following In.

My true colors lol. Sorry but the ones who actually need it are less then by people who really leech off governments teet. . I’m poor as hell right now you don’t see me whining about why I don’t have money its my fault I can change it I don’t rely on the GOV to save me. That’s the difference between us I believe in working for what you want the left thinks everyone should have it equal hence why people on both sides of the fence dislike his plans they directly interrupt the free market. Which is why employment numbers are down.

Answer #4

You are the typical low-information viewer that FOX loves. You will believe anything they say. Just the other day Beck played a clip of Pelosi that was completely out of context. He used a carefully cropped clip of her giving a speech about health care. By only listening to the small part that Bedk played, it sounded like she was trying to hide what was in the health bill until after it passed. But if you listen to the whole speech in its full context, it is clear she was not doing that. This crap happens everyday on FOX. But I don’t expect you to start thinking for yourself. You are too far gone if you actually believe some of the crap you say here.

They were the first to air the Acorn scandals .

This tells me a lot. Of course they were the first. They made it up. There never was an ACORN scandal. ACORN was never once found guilty of anything. Yes, plenty of bogus investigations, but not one conviction. It was a witch hunt.

The reason none of the administration will come on FOX is because they would get grilled have nothing to answer for.

The reason they won’t go on FOX much is because FOX lies and will never give them a fair shake.

Its no secret the current Admin is garbage the left knows it of course they’re salty so they blame FOX for outing every little thing these idiots say or do.

It’s no secret? The left knows it? What the hell are you talking about. You talk just like them. They have you so brain-washed you can’ even come up with anything original to say.

Why would I watch BBC what do they know about American Politics wait they do know that this admin is spending our money .

Because it would give you a different perspective. But you don’t want to hear different perspectives. And Fox doesn’t want you to either. It might interfere with the brain-washing they have so affectively done on you. So only one news source for you., huh? I get mine from many sources. Including FOX. I just don’t give it much creedance since their lies are quite obvious.

On bills that the country DOES NOT WANT free health care. Sweet until you find out your paying for some lazy person who thinks the GOV is a meal ticket. Hm mm sound familiar welfare maybe lol. I’m not cool with that.

You have no idea what this country wants as far as healthcare is concerned. That is clear. So you think people who are truly in need should not get any government assiatance? Your lack of compassion shows your true colors…

Its all in polls man they all have horrible approval ratings In Nov we will win our seats back and nothing Obama wants will get passed.

Care to show me where you are getting these horrible poll numbers? Congress always has bad poll numbers. Dems will probably lose some seats, but will still maintain majorities in both houses. But those losses will have much more to do with the state of the economy (that Bush left behind) that it will be about the health reform bill.

The man has spent more money in 2 years than Bush did in 8

If you heard this on FOX, than that is just another lie they’ve reported. Total government spending for bush’s 8 years was 34.5 trillion dollars. Estimate spending for 2009 through 2010 is expected to be about 12.5 trillion. The national debt when bush took office was 5.6 trillion, when he left it was 10 trillion. Today the debt is 12.5 trillion. The only reason spending has continued to go up under Obama is because of the mess left by Bush. Drastic measures had to be taken to prevent another great depression.

the least the left can do is own up to making a mistake voting for a man who barely was senator for a year in the state I’m from so I know his ties to Bill Ayers all these hippies from back in the day you want hippies running the country or do you want a leader that is strong . We look weak to other countries as stupid as bush was I felt safe with him in office anyway I could go on about how bad he is but he isnt the only idiot in office. That goes for right Left.

You are still stuck on the lies about ayses and his inexperience. Do you believe he wasn’t born in Hawaii too? You felt safe with Bush? Do you forget that the worst terrorist attack this country ever saw happened under his watch?

You have a lot to learn, but you never will if you continue believing the likes of Hannity, Beck, and O’reily.

Answer #5

I’m not arguing its called debate. Yet still you comment with a immature attitude and try and make me look stupid when you insult instead of valid point. Yet another tactic of ill informed people.

Answer #6

lol, jimahl…don’t waste your time arguing with someone who relies on his ‘age experience’ and is only 28.

talk about drinking the kool-aid…this guy finished his glass and went back for seconds.

Fox News is like the National Enquirer…it has the same audience.

Answer #7

Well jimahl its that or watch the 4 other news stations that don’t report everything that FOX DOES lol. I can only watch Lockup & cheesy expose’s so many times before I wanna hear real debates and as far as I’ve researched pretty biased but true nonetheless facts only FOX does.They don’t have the highest ratings for nothing. Can’t just be the right watching it.

Answer #8

A recent FOX lie… The ‘reporting’ they did on the nuclear arms treaty.

Hannity stated Obama signed the treaty agreeing the U.S. would not ‘under any circumstances’ use retaliation on any country if we are attacked.

The Treaty clearly states we have the right to retaliate against any country if we are attacked.

Palin stated that ‘we miss Ronald Reagan’ because he would have never agreed to a 30% decrease of nuclear warheads.

Ummm. since houzeheadz states he is ‘quite informed’ on previous presidents he should remember that Ronald Reagan called for a 30% decrease of nuclear warheads.

Answer #9

The other 4? There are a lot more news sources than 5. FOX lies every single day. They are by far the most biased and unbalanced news source. Try watching PBS or BBC if you want to hear real news. If you think anyone but a right winger watches FOX with any regularity, you are living in a dream world. Of course their ratings are high. They constantly are throwing red meat at the misinformed lemmings they call viewers. And they eat it up and come drooling back for more everyday. FOX is nothing but a cheerleader for the right, and the idiots who think they are actually fair and balanced have probably never had an original thought in their lives.

American Idol has high ratings too… It doesn’t make it quality TV.

Answer #10

I dont know how somebody couldnt be aware of what their rights and responsibilities as a citizen are. it’s pretty much common sense things and things you learn in school. I dont believe that people are unaware of these things, just to ignorant to care

Answer #11

Yeah well I think the problem is it has become so common these days that people think its an acceptable way to vent. I am sure that we are all fans of freedom of speech but there should be some degree of civil respect.

Answer #12


Answer #13

Perhaps teaching the populace of their rights and responsibilities is considered counterproductive at a time when we are seeing a shift of power to the federal government.

You are right… I was not taught these things at a satisfactory level… nor essential business principles.

I was surprised to find younger people answering that it’s okay to enforce peace through the military… this is doublethinking.

Answer #14

No not the government , Parents, Teachers, professors & people trained should. But with the youths lack of interest in our rights being the major factor. Although with all the political rhetoric bouncing around these days.

I would suggest anyone to watch Fox News nothing but Political NEWS & SHOWS that are based on yes a right wing majority but a FAIR balanced view compared to other stations that are far less interesting.Quickly reaching peak time viewer ratings FOX IS the only place that is teaching and trying to resurrect a new outlook on things but always aware of where we began.

Answer #15

houzeheadz, watching FOX only just makes you less informed. There is nothing fair and balanced about FOX Noise…

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