Why do so many people bash Michal Jackson?

What did he ever do to any of the people? And the whole “he sexually abused those kids” thing, Where YOU there, Did he tell YOU personally? NO!!! He made mistakes. Well guess what so did I, and so did everyone else on this planet. He changed his skin so he would be liked and so he could get famous without everyone hating him because he was black. But you know what, He was a great man. So why do people bash him? NO RUDE COMMENTS!!!

Answer #1

actually he has a very rare skin condition that TURNED his skin white I was reading an article a few years ago and heard about another black man who also suffered from it and it slowly turned his skin white as for the child abuse he didn’t do it most people don’t understand him and don’t realise that he didn’t have a childhood growing up because his dad wouldn’t let him so he’s making up for it now and he just likes having kids around, he likes there innocence never land ranch was like his Disneyland, because he never got to go to it as a kid he never invited children into his bed and has said on numerous occasions that abusing a child is “ not in his heart “ and he always though of himself as peter pan “the boy who never grew up”

Rest in peace Michael Jackson

Answer #2

EXACTLY!!… you feel the same way as I do, I tell people that what we do KNOW is that he is not a racist or prejudice. and that is what he showed the world. RIP MJ with much respect…

Answer #3

theres obviously two opinions on the subject of this, some think he is a peadophile who abuses children, some think he is amazing and made mistakes, but for me I think hes dead, may he r.I.p but I think this whole thing over him needs to stop, theres no point in arguing over something that cannot be changed anymore :]

Answer #4

He is not a child molester, in my opinion, 100%. He didnt have a childhood, which led him to be a 50 year old man with a mind of a child, as for the families that he paid money to them to keep quiet about the stories, it just doesnt make sense to me, yes fair anough, £20 million dollars is a lot of money. BUT. If you were a parent and your child had been ‘molester’d’ by a 50 year old man, wouldnt you do anything in your power to see him locked up? Why take money instead of the interest of your child’s safety? This happened on two occasions. HOWEVER. There are two sides to every story. And the fact that Michael did infact pubicly announce that ‘he thought it was okay to sleep with younger boys’ now, depending on your own opinion you decide the definition of ‘sleep’ in this quote. The thing is, the amount of loyers and advisers that Michael had, you would think they would tell him not to say things like that. So, was it him ignoring them or were they even telling him. Either way he is talented and thats why everybody new him. R.I.P Michael Jackson.

Answer #5

well some people say that he was the reason for his own death and I love michael jackson no one should be bashing him he was a great artist MUCH better than ANYONE today I think that people think that he was addicted to drugs and for other mistakes he made and we are all human and chances are that EVERYONE can find a mistake that they have made that they have in common with him.

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