Why do I stink at school?

I take good shower every morrning befor I go to school.but when I sit down in class I start to stink and smell so bad,I know it come out of my butt,it bothers me a lot I can’t focus in class. Please if someone know I really need help please.

I use baby poder antipersperants all that!!

Please,please help

Answer #1

switch to a different antipersperant and/or deodorant some people just have bad luck though and have a stronger body odour than others if its a real problem for you, talk to a doctor and he/she can suggest soem other things to try and help

Answer #2

Make sure you wash yourself properly between your buttcheeks and not just on your butt. Also, make sure you wipe from front to back everytime you use the restroom (or go number 2). If it gets to be to bad go talk to a doctor.

Answer #3

place some dawn dish soap on your finger and gently but vigorously slide it in and out of your butt hole, be cautioned if you have long fingernails.. HAHA

Answer #4

It also can be related to what you eat. Try changing from food you usually eat to food you normally don’t eat, or less of it.

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