Why do I always feel like I'm never enough???

It seems like nomatter how much makeup I wear, no matter how much time I spend on my hair,no matter how much I try to get people to notice or appreciate me or even just be nice to me, people never are. I mean I do have those good friends and Those people I can just hang out with once and awhile, but some people dont understand how little mean things people say or can do can effect me sooo much (I was born with depression and anxiety through genetics, but only my best friend knows) For example, I couldnt afford regular uniform pants so I got these cheaper dress pants that wernt a good material, and so this girl said there ugly like me. she meant it as a joke I think but I also have these old close friends who are just so mean to me.

What can I do so I’m more appreciated. I can’t take being this way. I just want to go home and cry sometimes (sry, I know I sound like a coward and loser but I can’t help it) Thanks

Answer #1

Actually you CAN be born with deppression because sometimes its because of a chemical inbalance in your brain “ty”

Answer #2

Alright, first of all no one is born with anxiety or depression. You may be genetically predisposed (this is a maybe, it would take genetic testing to show that), but you are not born with the mental disorders. That means that yes, you may be more sensitive, but unlike a child that is born with a disease or a disorder, you can actually change the way you think and work on living a happier and healthier life. You are not helpless. Secondly, if you’re waiting for everyone to like you and everyone to be nice to you then you’re going to be unhappy till you die. Sorry, you may be the greatest person on earth but there’s always going to be someone who doesnt like you and says things you dont like. You feel like you’re not enough because of how you see yourself. It has nothing to do with anyone else. Which, of course means that you can work on how you see yourself then it wont matter what other people say or do. Consider therapy.

Answer #3

listen to the song More Beautiul You by Jonny Diaz Please do because it will help you a great deal I promise. It helped me appreciate myself A LOT more!

Answer #4

You should never feel thst way.. You should always be confident and act like you are perfect and if someone says something mean to you just take it as a joke and don’t let them see that it bothers you bc then they will keep doing it since they know where to push your buttons.. Life is tough keep your head up straight do whatakes you happy and really enjoy life bc you only get one chance to live life and if you spend all that tome crying about what others say you will just be wasting precious time

Answer #5

I’m the same way as you, and a big 6ft 24 year old male with a shaved head :) I’m over sensitive too. Some things I can tell you, is that although it will always remain a part of your personality, as long as you work on developing yourself it does get easier with age. I really don’t care that much what other people think any more. Secondly, you can’t please everyone. No matter how nice you are, frankly some people are just arseholes, and want to put you down, no matter what you say, usually due to their own insecurities, their own desire to feel powerful by putting you down. To me these people aren’t important, of course what they say can hurt, but ultimately they don’t matter. Just focus on the people worth knowing, but remain open. I hope this helps.

Answer #6

just be happy with who you are , obviously god put you on the earth for a purpose. He made you for who you are. and whoever tells you your not good enough just ignore it, becaus you are good enough, and I dont know you but I know you can be happy. Just talk to your bestfriend and tell her whats going on. Thats what I would do. Just be yourself. and trust me thats enough. Hope that helped. let me know how things go.

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