Why can't he satisfy me?

My boyfriend and I are currently having sex. He took my virginity, and we have had sex many times. But it seems no matter what we do, I can’t orgasm. :( We’ve tried many different positions and condoms, but nothing seems to be working. He is starting to feel bad, because he believes he is doing something wrong. And I feel terrible, because I know he is trying really hard.
Does anybody have any suggestions or ideas? Please help me. It would be greatly appreciated. :(

Answer #1

Start by learning about your body and what makes it tick. If you don’t masturbate then you might consider starting just to learn what feels good and how to make yourself orgasm. This being said, the most important thing is learning how it all works so don’t be shy to buy books, do Internet searches and talk about it with friends. Here is an excellent website: http://www.the-clitoris.com/

Next, don’t be shy to experiment with oral sex and foreplay. Most women don’t climax because they haven’t been stimulated correctly. Women bodies are very different from mens. Most women need foreplay to reach orgasm, get really excited and climax. So instead of concentrating on just penetration take time to play around: sucking, kissing, teasing, patting, rubbing, nibbling, etc. This also means you have to learn to relax, let yourself go with the flow and stop worrying. Give yourself small goals at first like making sex feel good, learning integrate foreplay in sexual intercourse, learning what turns you on, etc Then move up to the ultimate goal of orgasm :-) Have fun instead of fretting over just orgasm. Sex is different levels of pleasure that doesn’t always end in orgasm.

Answer #2

start loving him. that might actually be a step in the right direction. love him for real… the real love.. the kind that just the thought of him inside you will let you hit the big O … and while your sitting there wondering why some stranger is saying you dont love your boyfriend.. think about every thing that he has done for you. everything hes showed you. and ask your self was it everything you wanted? and your gonna say yes. if you dont, then dont read on… just sometimes we love people because we love their love… which is kinda confusing. but its true… im currently in a relationship.. and in answering your question I just found out, she doesnt love me…

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