Why break up?

My boyfriend just broke up with me about 3 days ago. We were together for about 5 months and I loved him so much. He just did it out of no where. I’m so depressed I can’t eat I can’t sleep and then I always wake up at like 3 in the morning crying. I love him so much and it hurts so bad because he was the only true friend I had… He was my bestie before we got together and Now I have no one!!:( what do I do to make this pain stop? Btw he told me he didn’t wanna end it and he still loves me supposably

Answer #1

he might be lying if he loved you and didnt want to end it he would either tell you why he ended it or stay with you first off, try to contact him and ask him what reason he had for breaking up with you because he has a reason and you deserve to know if he doesnt tell you or if its a bad/stupid reason then clearly this guy isnt worth your time have some time to deal with the pain but dont get depressed over it as hard as it is to accept its unlikley that at 14 you found the guy your going to be with for the rest of your life there are plenty more guys out there and you will find love again in time also spend time with friends and doing things/hobbies you love to help fill up your time with things rather than with thinking about him

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Love & Relationships

Dating, Marriage, Breakups