Why are you girls so eager to give head at such a young age??

It seems like there are so many of you asking about how to give head…If you are not sure how, there you are not ready, why is there so much pressure to do so? Don’t you think it is a pretty intimate thing?? Just curious…

Answer #1

you dont know that theyre not ready. what? do you think giving head is for old people? gross!

Answer #2

Now that teens are reacting more with crazy hormones,they try to find way to have a sexual rush without actually losing their virginity. So they find all these ways to experience sexuality than actaully going far into having sex. Im a teenager, and I see it all around me, girls kissing each other, guys talking bout how big their parts are, and they try to find ways without getting in trouble.

Answer #3

I agree that young, young girls shouldn’t be engaging in such thing, it really scares me for when I have a daughter someday. Kids are getting sexually involved way too early. I do disagree that just because they don’t know how means they aren’t ready though. I’m sure most of them aren’t ready, but knowing how or not has nothing to do with it IMO.

Answer #4

Hmmm…Great point!! Even if you know how…at a young age…does not mean you are ready, very true, I stand corrected…

Answer #5

I disagree with some things people say about people being too young. I’m fourteen and I certainly have not gone as far as giving head, but I’m told I’m very mature for my age, people like my relatives and friends think of me as about 16 or 17. So some of these girls getting into sexual things at around my ages are actually emotionally ready, but its hard to tell on websites like this. Just dont want people to automatically make judgements based on birth certificates. But to do with your question: the pressure is about feeling like you need to please your boyfriend, also if girls are insecure they want to make the guy happy as a twisted way to keep them around. I’m sure most girls do think its a very intimate thing however many get caught up in the hormones and excitment of having a boyfriend and believe they are ready before they think it all through. But I completely support stephanie’s comment about whether you know how to do things or not does not give any indication about how ready you are. Hope this makes some sense.

Answer #6

I think that some people are too young but some are not it depends if the person is responsible to handle the risks if they where to happen.

Answer #7

I think most people who engage into sexual activities are not mature enough, not saying all, but majority only do it because it has become so common. I personally think that people are starting this too early now. I think the pressure comes from knowing, others have done it. Also manny times the boy pressures the girl into giving it for the plesure and then a lot of times girls feel that they need to please their guy else they would lea ve, this is twisted if you ask me. And many people now adays no longer treat sexual things as intimate, just soemthign to enjoy. I personally find giving head to a guy somewhat derogatory, but also depends why or who you are doing it. ANd I completely agree that it is intimate. I believe that any sexual act is intimate and should not be given freely.

Answer #8

yeah its crazy! im 24 so im not that old, but I see (they ask on here) and hear about girls 12-15 asking about this/doings this. back in my day, way back in time in good old 1998 (when I was 12) I never would hear this, like maybe one girl once in a while you would hear about a girl giving head, but never to the degree I hear now. it does seem like a trend of eariler sex. but not sure if its just that now in 2010 that people do have more computers then in 98 and use the internet far more then in the late 90’s earily 2000’s so girls talk about it more or hear about it more and want to do it as a result. or its really a trend.

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