Why am I freaking out about STD's?

Okay heres the thing, I think I have an std’s or something, please help!

My boyfriend and I have been dating for over a year now, I’m 14 so is he. We have done evrything but sex. Both of us has never had someone else in our lives, its just been us too. I have had a few zits on my vagina and I pop them sometimes they come back, sometimes they dont. I have only had about 3…I feel gross and dirty. I hate it, and my period keeps coming 3 days late…Does this mean I have an std? And I cant go to the doctor to see whats wrong, becasue I cant tell my mom. Please help asap! thanks :)

Answer #1

if you cant be responsible and ask for help when you need it you shouldnt be doing sexual things because its shows your not mature enough if you dont face responsibility for your actions you proably dont have an std periods rarely come on the exact same day every month, they usually come a few days before or after and the bumps are probably just normal pimples you might be able to see a doctor by yourself without your mum but if your going to be sexualy active, you need to be mature because your doing adult things at 14 years old, so you need to ask or help if you need it it would be best to talk to your mum about going on the birth control pill so when you do have sex, youll be more protected, it can also help regulate your period

Answer #2

I’m sure you don’t have an STD. Do you shave your pubic hair? Sometimes when women shave their “downstairs” they get ingrown hairs and they look like zits down there. It just depends on how sensitive your skin is…and depending on skin sensitivity you might have to wait longer in between shaving, or switch to a blade that’s not so dull, change shaving creams or use some kind of moisturizer. And my period is almost never exact…most women are like that. Sometimes the cycle will change from 28 days to 31 days. Are you two using condoms during sex? That will help protect you from getting pregnant and some STDs. You should consider telling your Mom though, she might be upset at first but she loves you and she used to be young too, I’m sure she’s been through what you’re going through, then you two can talk about the appropriate steps to help preventing STDs. Don’t stress yourself out about it, I’m sure you’re fine. But it is always better safe then sorry!

Answer #3

I agree, you don’t have a STD…you may be predisposed to getting boils or pimples in your vulva area…they could be simply ingrown hairs, or an infection of oil glands or hair follicles. Do talk to your mom, and tell her about the pimples…a Dr. might be able to give you something…either a topical cream, or even antibiotics…


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