Why am I always horny?

Okay, basically, I am always horny and always thinking about sex, masterbating and penis’. I’ll also be at the park and a girl could walk past and I’ll be like wow I like her breasts and I’ll just stare. But I am striaght. I talk to a few friends about stuff thats really horny and I don’t know why. Why am I doing this?

Answer #1

I agre with the others. But dont ask that and heree

Answer #2
  1. If you watch any porn at all. Stop watching it.
  2. You just may have a dirty mind.
  3. Hope I helped! =D
Answer #3

I have the same problem, I’m only 13 and I have an extremely innocent face, so nobody knows how much of a pervert I am, and from what I can tell, I’m the only one of my friends who masturbates :L And I’m thinking about sex constantly! It’s like I can’t stop. I feel like, dirty or something. So to answer your question I guess some of us are just born that way, nothing we can do about it.

Answer #4

enjoy it

Answer #5

sounds like your just ahorny person.your not the first ,wont be the last.be gratefull,and enjoy

Answer #6

If the age in your profile is correct, then you’re a teenager.

Means, you most probably suffer fits of hormone flooding. It’s completely normal. Many teenagers have that, few dare to talk about it. ;-)

Don’t worry. the sheep

Answer #7

That state is normal, either find a means to release the urge or find something to distract you from the urge.

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