Why do I always fall for it?

Why do I fall for this all the time??? I’d love to give you every time this has happened but I’ll just tell you the most recent… I met this guy, we’ll call him c, on thursday night. He walked me to my dorm from downtown and we watched like three movies and talked and he didnt leave until 5am… Then friday, he came into town when I got out of class at 1 and we spent like the rest of the day just chilling… Then yesterday evening I went downtown and he was there and we spent the evening together then he went to see his brother then came back at like midnight… We ended up having sex then he fell asleep at about 3. My beds tiny and I didnt wanna sleep on the floor so I went to the other room and did homework til 8 am. Then I woke him up and we ended up having sex again. Well he always asks to use my computer and I dont care so I let him. And then I got on it while he was sleeping and his phone was plugged in and his phone was going off and I looked at it and there were all these missed calls and texts from some girl saying I love you where are you im at home and then she started getting mad asking where the h* he was and all kinds of stuff. Then he left at like 11am and I went to sleep for a while. Well just a few minutes ago I was gonna upload a pic and when the pic thing opened, I got a nice big view of some ugly chicks butt… Two pics of her butt, 4 of her face and 1 full body… Why would he do this… I mean the other night he asked me to be his girl and I thought that meant ya know… His only girl… But clearly he’s got a lot of girls… And he left his hat here so I texted him and he ignored my txts and calls… And I’m crying about it lol… Why do I do such stupid stuff to get myself hurt? If I hadnt fallen so fast this wouldnt have happened and everything would be ok…

Answer #1

Those situations definitely suck, but its due to the type of guy you are attracting/attracted to. I’m not sure where you are meeting these guys, but my guess from what your saying is probably parties. Be careful of guys you meet at parties that are very charismatic with a little bit of that bad boy touch. They know all the right things to say to make you feel special. If I had a dime for every time a guy told me “you’re worth it” or “you’re the best thing that ever happened to me” and then disappeared the next day, I would have been a very rich freshman. To make sure you don’t get tricked again, wait to have sex for at least a month. If thats what he is after, he will be gone within two weeks. Good luck.

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