Who will win the NBA finals in 2010?

I want honest answers, no crap answers where you predict a team like the nets. The answers have to be backed up with more than just because they are good. I personally think the Cavs because we can win games without two point guards and we have the best player in the NBA. Plus we have the number one defense, and when we score over 100 pouts we are something like 23-2, don’t quote me on that but it’s close, so please answer I want a good discussion. Thanks

Answer #1

CLEVELAND CAVALIERS BABY!!! LeBron is way better than Kobe, and Shaq is a legendary center. The only “problems” are Varejao and maybe West, they are not good enough to be starters.

Answer #2

deff LA lakers

Answer #3

The Cavs crushed the Lakers twice, we can beat the Lakers in six, we are too good this year. It is our time to shine

Answer #4

CELTICS!! or cavs

Answer #5

no no no you got it all wrong I think we all know whos going to win and thats the LAKERS haha yeah they are one of the best teams and they did win the championship last year I think lol well no brewcrew you got that wrong did you see what koby did to lebron is the real question lol

Answer #6

CAVS, don’t be hatin on the King and his team. after last year we got the ambition to win, and shaq is just nice sugar on a perfect cake. Also I love the browns profile pic. OHIO ROXXS

Answer #7

The Akron Hammer and the Cavs can not be stopped. The only team that has a chance is the Lakers and we saw what lebron did to them.

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