Who wants to talk about Jesus?

Jesus. What do you think on the topic? Real? Not Real? Good? Bad? Any comment leave it I want to know.

Answer #1

Not real, bad. His fictional introduction into the world through the fairy-tale bible has inspired one of the most closed-minded, barbaric religions in the world.

Answer #2

Jesus is not the reason for the season! Greed is! Jesus would not be proud of the way in which the world (at least America) celebrates his birth. Why not celebrate his birth everyday by trying to be like him. One day when he returns to us, all will acknowledge Him. I hope you are ready my friends! Christ never promised life would be easy if we believe and follow Him. But the reward is worth all the earthly sacrifices. And I know some will make fun or ridicule me for stating these things. I know because Jesus tells me it will happen. And when it happens he tells me to rejoice and be exceedingly glad because they did it first to Him!

Answer #3

leevan, I believe when he said contemporaries, he was referring to those who could have known of jesus. Not someone across the globe. He is right about their being no independent evidence of the man named jesus, outside of the new testament, that is reliable. Even if the josephus references are not a forgeries, they would have been written over 60 years after the crucifiction, and would have only reflected what he heard from the early christians. But there is a lot of evidence that points to the jesus passages being inserted a couple of hundreds years later.

Answer #4

-There were several historians contemporary with the time Jesus was supposed to have lived that made no mention of him.

Yeah the Chinese scholars during the Han dynasty were contemporary with Jesus, doesn’t mean they had any chance of seeing him.

Answer #5

Josephus’ Antiquities of the Jews the section mentioning Jesus uses vocabulary not used elsewhere and the paragraph interrupts the flow of the paragraphs proceeding and following. Tactus’ Annals section on Jesus was never quoted until hundreds of years after he supposedly wrote it. There were several historians contemporary with the time Jesus was supposed to have lived that made no mention of him.

Answer #6

Why do you say those are forgeries?

I am actually inclined to agree with jimahl in that he was probably a real person but his achievements got a bit exaggerated. These days I’m not such a strong believe in Christianity anymore, dammit.

Answer #7

Due to the amount of time that has passed there is no way to know if Jesus existed at all. There are very few extra-Biblical accounts of Jesus and the few that do are likely forgeries.

Since there are a large number of similarities between Jesus and the hero/saviors of other religions like Krishna, Zarathustra, Dionysus and Horus the theory that Jesus was a composite or an archetype has a lot of credibility. Jesus also could have been a real person who elements of characters from earlier hero/savior myths were attributed to.

Answer #8

The reason for the season is sin. That three letter word that Jesus came to defeat. Sure we live in sin now, but Christ came to show us how and Who to live for! Our Holy, Almighty, Pure and Righteous God, Who became a man to die on the cross and take away the sin of the world that we may not die or have to pay for our sins. Christ has done it ALL for us! What manner of love is this that the humble son of man, Holy Son of God, fully man and fully God, would do this for each and every person who has lived, is living, and will be born? Wonderful!

Answer #9

Also agreed with jimahl. The legendary King Arthur didn’t exist, but there is a debate as to whether there was a historical figure on which the myths are based.

Just reading the Gosepls will give you plenty of reasons to doubt whether Jesus actually existed.

Answer #10

I believe in God, and Jesus is a part of God. so yes I believe in both of them. Jesus was just checking up on the world when he came down to earthh. GOD IS REAL, so Jesus is too. (: god blesss.

Answer #11

I think the myth of Jesus is probably based on a real person. But probably nothing like the character depicted in the new testament. He certainly did not have magical powers. I think he was probably considered a radical and subversive because he challenged the authority of the pharisees and the romans. I like to believe he was a non-violent revolutionary, much like gandhi and martin luther king jr. Either way, if those who followed him would have actually lived by his teachings, the world would have been much better off. Instead they made him into a god and too many zealots twisted his message into an excuse to commit horrible attrocites in his name.

Answer #12

AMEN (lol) jimahl…

I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

             Mohandas Gandhi
Answer #13

2 thumbs up there Jimahl I wholy agree

Answer #14

jesus was real. and I think he must have been a smart and devious punk. he probably realized how gulible and ignorant the world is and then decided to take advantage of it. same with that joseph smith. so thats good and bad depending on how you look at it. mary was not a virgin, I cant explain how people believe that. wouldnt that mean god like raped her? ( apologies for any offence given )

Answer #15

I don’t believe in God, as of now. I think religion is something you base your life on, and I’m not gonna base my life on something that involves principles which I believe are wrrrooong.

Answer #16

The magical Jesus of the New Testament certainly never existed, although it’s possible those myths and fables are loosely rooted in a historical person. It seems more likely to me, they have no historical basis whatsoever, and Jesus never existed at all.

Answer #17

Jesus was definitely a radical. That’s for sure. Merry Christmas all!

Answer #18

*jesus is a jew.

yep, and most seem to forget that.

Answer #19

My religion says I have to believe in him, but honestly I think Mary got knocked up and lied saying that she was a virgin and yeah anyways.. I believe that jesus isnt real theres no way he could cure blindness and sickness. But I believe that god is in a away I dont think that he created Adam&Eve but I do think hes there when I need him and he’s there to help guide me the right way.

I feel that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is better :P (FSM is viewed as a real religion. If you dont believe me look it up)

Answer #20

jesus is a jew.

Answer #21

Amen… I beleive in him… and thats all I got to say…

Answer #22

AMEN!!! I would LOVE to talk about JESUS!!! HE is the best, HE is the reason I live, HE IS THE REASON for the SEASON!!! Merry CHRISTmas!!!

Answer #23

I would LOVE to talk about it! ^_^ he is real. I believe in him. And hes just amazing!! I mean think about it- would you die on the cross for your mom? or family , frind or any one you love. DIE ON THE CROSS?! be crucified, nailed??!! honestly I WOULDNT! lol but he did.. and thats an amazing thing! theres sooo much I can tell u, proove (kinda lol) but hope you get me. if you wanna ask then feel free! :)

Answer #24

I think in in this day and age as the world gets more more crazy, I think more people are turning to higher power but are not sure of whom/what to turn to. Jesus did live a perfect life, and I think its inspirational how many people throughout the last 2000 years have tried to live a life of reflection of Christ. They are Saints.

Answer #25

Not real :) Fake :) Bad :)

Answer #26

I BELEIVE IN HIM!!! awesome man I have to say.

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