Who is the current oldest member of funadvice?

Who is the current oldest member of funadvice?except our pioneering wiz,thedudue and all other staff members?I mean the first ever outsider ?

Answer #1

Ok…this is where I say, can you give me this level of detail from the company you work for :) If you’re still there, that is.

I’d also like to know: churn rate retention (30 / 60 / 90 days) Conversion (overall new visitors to sign ups) Percentage sign ups with false or bad data.

I’ll add to this when I think of a few more stats I’d like to know…thing is, when we launched in March, 2003…the product was 100% different than today. As a result, if you signed up for that experience…it would probably NOT be something you would want, today.

http://www.funadvice.com/members And, the default sort, there, tells you the answer…it’s arranged via their last login to the site…so, you could easily view a ton of profiles (say those who have been here in the last 90 days) and then figure out who joined the earliest ;)

Answer #2

More than likely, one of the advisors…if you read through their join dates ;) Which are all listed on their profiles.

My guess is sikashimmer…but, I’m not positive. At least a few people that joined 3+ years ago have logged in in the last 90 days, or 2 months.

Answer #3

just look at the 1st question asked. go onto the last page of questions.

Answer #4

Wow 2003, I never knew this sight was launched the, how long was it until people started joining in big numbers?

Answer #5

How much more exact can you get than the user’s name?

Answer #6

Someone who is not even an advisor.Well both!

Answer #7

I need to know the exact one.

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