Oldest question on FunAdvice

Ok, are there any advisors online now? because if they’re are please answer. what is the oldest existing question on fun advice at this time? please tell me so I can go answer it just to say that I answered the oldest question on fun advice! >lols<

Answer #1

The last question on the earliest page of Love & Relationships is


It is six years old.

Answer #2

The oldest you can easily see by clicking through to the last page in love & relationships…b/c when we started the site, we had 5 categories, that later got squished into the “love & relationships” category we have now.

Answer #3

There’s two from over 5 years ago, but after a certain amount of time, it’s a little difficult to tell which came first… (the first one was the very last one on the list)

http://www.funadvice.com/q/gift_giving_ideas_for_my_wife_what http://www.funadvice.com/q/my_bf_and_my_parents

Answer #4

theres one that is over 6 years… its in love & relationships.. =) x

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