Who is on the mini-pill, cerazette?

I have been on cerazette, the mini-pill, for a month now, and I had sex without a condom on 29 november abd the two following days. But my periods came on the expecting day even though its more painful then ever! After two weeks I start spotting on the 26 but then it becomes heavier but without cramps and lighter than usually but still needed a pad and lasted for 7/8 days. I feel bloated and my breast are sore when pressure is applied but these are common symptons for me when am ovulating, but somehow I still cant help but wonder is it pregnancy or the pill? Am due on the 23 of this month.

Answer #1

It sounds like side effects of the pill they usually resemble pregnancy symptoms.. If you took your pill correctly you have a very slim chance of being pregnant. Most period side affects like pains and stuff should be very minimal when your on the pill so maybe you should see your doctor about changing to a different pill that actually works for you. Xo:)

Answer #2

No problem.. Xo:)

Answer #3

thank you, I have stressing myself thinking am pregnant despite two periods. lol you have eased my mind.

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