Is this the 'change' you want ?

“When you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody,” Barack Obama - Is this the ‘change’ you want ?

Answer #1

Karl Marx - “From each according to his ability to each according to his need.”

Answer #2

Of course you want wealth to be spread around as much as possible. I’d rather not live in an oligarchy.

Answer #3

ahhh amblessed.

Ignorant, silly man you.

Answer #4

I don’t want the wealth spread around. I want it concentrated into $700 billion lumps and handed to the wealthiest people on the planet to keep them fabulously rich even when they make stupid risky investments.

Answer #5

well I mean I’ve made sooo much money from this trickle down economy, why would I want change? this fantastic trickle down plan is making me a millionaire!!!

what was the point you were trying to make?

Answer #6

Amblessed, why wouldn’t it be good for everyone to benefit?

Do you honestly think it’s good for people to have millions of dollars while there are people who work hard and still can’t feed their children?

I could mention that eye of a needle bit…

Answer #7

I know, what am I going to do when Obama is elected and I can finally keep all 12,000 dollars a year that I make doing manual labor?

All that money of mine the government will be stealing so someone can have an extra yacht! Oh its terrible.

Answer #8

president obama will have us all carrying “change” signs on the street ( please give us some {change} that is) we might as well become a russian republic now and get it over with. NOW we at least have the freedom to SUCCEED or FAIL, based on our individual initiative. and what is wrong with “spreading the wealth around” is it is cleverly disguised “socialism” and “marxism” delivered by a smooth talking “cliche” “robin hood” I can’t believe that he is standing on the platform of taking from the rich and giving to the poor- and people are actually buying it. is obama spreading any of the millions of dollars he has raised on this campaign around? NO! the rich own corporations, which provides us with jobs, which pays the bills- we have the freedom to choose our lifestyle in this country. and develop CORPORATIONS of our own, without the government spoon feeding everyone, and making things “fair”. so to answer the question AMBLESSED- NO IT IS NOT A GOOD THING, AND NOT THE CHANGE I WANT.

Answer #9

No! We don’t need Obama to spread the wealth around. People like Joe the Plumber should spread their own wealth around not Obama taking their money. We don’t need the government to take away our freedom and liberty, or our money. We need someone that’ll put his country first not someone that doesn’t salute the flag, or someone that associates himself with terrorists. The change we need is Sarah Palin and MCcain who has a mind of his own not Bush. He’s definitely not Bush. We don’t need this country turning into Europe if Obama wins. I’m praying to god that he loses. If MCcain wins, I’ll be celebrating!

Answer #10

What Obama said himself about his experience:

Answer #11

toadly, what I want:

After a government bail out, I want more executives to take week long spa retreats & spend a quarter million dollars, minimum.

Then, I want them to laugh & call the taxpayers “stupid” that just basically forked over THEIR money so the guys who ran their businesses into the ground could keep the golden parachutes in tact.

And when a guy like Dick Fuld, the CEO of Lehman brothers, gets knocked out for not taking the blame in a congressional testimony, I want him to be able to behead the guy who punched him for daring to assert some sanity over a guy who’s done nothing but good for this country.

Also, I want more corporations to get rich by privatizing war, so that when I invest & get a good return, the whole thing comes back blood stained. Nope, I don’t want intervention to create democracy (like Maldives, when the US said they’d monitor but didn’t), I want our country to intervene like Bush has, when there is a clear & rational path to profit!

Oh, ya, that’s the “change” I want. When the president makes 10x the average for an American citizen, and the Vice President makes 30 times what the average citizen makes…well, they’re getting short changed. It should be 270 times, like those CEO’s who’ve done so great for our global economy.

Answer #12


Amblessed has it correct. Obama’s statements lead me to believe he has a very Socialist attitude. Take the wealth and spread it around? So what is the incentive for a business owner to be innovative, attempt to succeed if the government is going to take his profits or tax him so heavily and give it to say someone on Welfare who won’t go out and get a job? Or those who get an education, have a greater than double digit I.Q. and obtain good paying jobs, if the government taxes it all away to give to someone who won’t go get a job or attempt to better themselves.

We just did this with $700 billion bailout bill. This means that those who felt it was entirely appropriate to buy a $400,000 house with a $50,000 income. They will now have their mortgages re-evaluated to the house’s current worth and the outrageous, exotically structured loan they obtained changed to a low fixed rate. Now those of us who did not do this have the distinct pleasure of paying off the difference in their former mortgages and their current. And yes, thedude, those who are responsible for this mortgage/housing fiasco on Wall Street, the Banking Industry and Politicians should be investigated, tried where appropriate and sentence to jail, starting with Representative Barney Frank. And this unfortunate knee jerk reaction the housing/mortgage crisis was passed by voting members of both sides of the aisle.

“When you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody,” Barack Obama - Is this the ‘change’ you want ? No. It is as Socialistic as the Bailout, and neither Obama nor the Bailout are the way to cure our ills or this specific issue. This country is a Democracy and it is based on Capitalism. I worked in an area where we did not practice Democracy, we protected it. And I do not want to see any politician who will lead us further down a path with more Socialistic government give away programs.

Answer #13

Obama’s tax plan will cost America dearly, I don’t care for either of these men - America has better to offer. However, one of them will be our next President. The Democratic party has always been one of tax and spend. Obama is one, if not the most liberal in the United States Senate. And one of them will most certainly be challenged by a terrorist attack to test them. I would rather have a man who has fought for his country than one who associates with terrorists (William Ayers of the Weathermen Underground) and one who went to church for 20 years - 20 years with a pastor, Reverend Wright who is a blatant racist and hates America. And Obama’s wife has never been proud of America until he was nominated as the Democratic hopeful. Now that’s the pair I want in the White House!
And the $700 billion bailout. Look at the voting record. It was passed as a knee jerk reaction by both Republicans and Democrats. And it was a Democrat, Representative Barney Frank who has never taken any responsibility for this fiasco, but whose shoulders much of the lack of legislation must lay on. The FBI is looking into the banks and lenders who set these loans up, but it disgusts me that these institutions made a killing loaning money to people making $50,000 a year who thought it ok to buy a $400,000 house. And now that $700 billion will be used to re-value those homes and lower the home loan to the house’s current value. And our tax dollar will make up the difference. So if you were smart enough not to fall into this housing loan trap in the first place you get to bail out those who did. No don’t blame this on the Republicans, this was a bi-partisan idiotic bill. The government has to intervene here, however, I don’t believe that was the way to do it.

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