Which 'JOE' would be the best candidate ?

Which ‘JOE’ would be the best candidate: Joe The Plumber, Joe Six-Pack, or Joe Biden ?

Answer #1

And the only reason you know that he didn’t pay taxes is because the Obama camp went after him because he asked a question about the effect of Obama’s tax plan on small business and his answer was a flop. It is very sad when an American who questions a candidate gets his background ripped apart because the candidate didn’t like the question. And what will Obama do when he becomes President and doesn’t like being questioned about his actions? It by the way was a very pertinent question.

Obama’s tax plan will target mostly small business which make up about 1/2 of the top 5% of taxpayers. These businesses also employee a great number of American workers. Now is this a plan you want to implement when we are in a recession, and might go into a depression? It adds one more brick on the pile of Obama’s inexperience.

And don’t gloss over his association with the bigoted Reverend Wright and that of the murdering terrorist William Ayers. Both show a deep lack of judgment on Senator Obama’s part.

Answer #2

“CNN, FOX, and MSNBC”… Do they give us our own version in Montana? I didn’t know that!


Answer #3

phrannie - please, are you really going to jump on the right bandwagon that the media is biased? the media went on and on about rev wright and bill ayers…

There is nothing new about biased media…and my butt has been on THAT bandwagon for 35 years. I get dizzy flipping left then right, changing channels between CNN, FOX, and MSNBC…They are ALL biased…


Answer #4

“they blissfully ignore Bill Ayers and the Rev. Wright’s long time friendship with Obama…”

The media might be blissfully ignoring Ayers and Wright where you live, but the media in the entire rest of the country has been quite vocal on those points.

Answer #5

no I think obama approached joe the plumber… I think so I dont think he was planted. but maybe it’s about time we had a good ole joe six pack in there …

Answer #6

Anyone who can possibly try and blame Obama for exploiting Joe the non-plumber is to far gone to see reality. They are living in their FOX induced fantasy world. Joe the non-plumber asked Obama a question, Obama answered it. Obama did not bring up Joe again until McCoot brought it up over TWENTY times in the debate!!! It was McCoot who said an unintelligent, untalented, tax evading plumbers-helper is is role model. It was McCoot who took on the camign trail with him.

Phrannie, if it “appears” to you the the media is ignoring ayers and wright, it is because there is nothing there. The media tried to make it one, but the PEOPLE decided it was not an issue.

Answer #7

Joe the Plumber! He won’t give his wealth to people who don’t work.

Answer #8

joi kise sabse jayada like karta he

Answer #9

utopia, your description of Joe Six-Pack sounds a lot like the current US president.

Answer #10

Joe Biden…

Are you trying to be funny?

Answer #11

Jimahl, you are such a Rush Limbaugh of the left it is unbelievable!!! Read, Read READ. He was the leader of the SDS in the 1970’s No matter how leftist you are can you erase what he and his thugs did. They killed hundredreds of Americans.

You know Jimal, the only thing that is “good” about the Obama Presidenciy, is that we won;t have to put up with the crap that y9ou would have put out with the election of a republican. I truly hope I am wrong. And Jimahl, I will be the first to come on this forum and make an apoligiy in 4 years. Unfortunately, I am afraid you have gotten exactly what you wanted. And no apology is necessary.

Answer #12

…and I think the “facts of Joe the Plumber’s life” reflect more on the biased media, going to any length… to step on anybody (even a simple “guy in the crowd) who questions anything Obama says.

Then to listen to all the righteous indignation of the far left (“Hmmm…not good” ), about Joe the Plumber’s life-time screw ups (and this HAD to be all they could find, or we would have heard about it)…while they blissfully ignore Bill Ayers and the Rev. Wright’s long time friendship with Obama…

Hyprocrasy at it’s finest.


Answer #13

“no I think obama approached joe the plumber… I think so I dont think he was planted. but maybe it’s about time we had a good ole joe six pack in there …”

you’re right, obama asked him a question, but mccain brought him into the spotlight by mentioning him 10 times in the debate… oh and we had a good ole joe six pack in there, the economy hasnt been in such bad shape since the 1920s… uhm yeah I’d say it didnt work too well…

phrannie - please, are you really going to jump on the right bandwagon that the media is biased? the media went on and on about rev wright and bill ayers…

in addition, obama did not say these people were his role models…

in mccain’s own word’s this guy is his role model… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4o1X08L7a4

Answer #14

P - I think facts about Joe the Plumber’s life reflects more on the fact that McCain put him in the spotlight BEFORE checking him out. Too bad for Joe.. Kind of like he did with Palin… McCain needs to learn to think BEFORE acting

Answer #15

I really think that joe’s question surprised him.. I mean I honestly think obama thought he was going to get some stupid, vague question that he could just say “ well the answer is CHANGE ‘ again… and again…but he stumbled on it had to tell the truth.. and probably lost joe’s vote… so that shows me that obama thinks most of us are stupid, as he was backed on his heels by a smart question…I thought obama had definitely captured the “dumb” vote, but now that proves it…

Answer #16

Okay, let’s take a look at each.

Joe the Plumber - owes back taxes, lied about his ability to purchase a company and doesn’t have a plumber’s license. Hm. Not good.

Joe Six-Pack - basically an amalgam set to represent the beer-drinkin’, god fearin’, animal shootin’, uneducated redneck american. Hmm. Not good.

Joe Biden - Joe Biden has represented the state of Delaware in the United States Senate since 1972, when he was elected at the age of twenty-nine. Senator Biden is recognized as a leader in foreign policy, as well as one of the nation’s most influential voices on terrorism, drug policy, and crime. Nationally, Senator Biden has earned a reputation for working on a bipartisan basis with Republican colleagues and bringing real results that matter to Americans. Biden has a lifetime average liberal score of 77.5 percent, according to a National Journal analysis that places him ideologically among the center of Senate Democrats. Various interest groups have given Biden scores or grades as to how well his votes align with the positions of each group. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) gives him an 86 percent lifetime score, with a 91 percent score for the current session of Congress. Biden received a 91 percent voting record from the National Education Association (NEA) showing a pro-teacher union voting record. Biden opposes drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and supports governmental funding to find new energy sources. Biden believes action must be taken on global warming. He co-sponsored the Sense of the Senate resolution calling on the United States to be a part of the United Nations climate negotiations and the Boxer-Sanders Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act, the most stringent climate bill in the United States Senate. Biden cites high health care and energy costs as two major threats to the prosperity of American businesses, and believes that addressing these issues will improve American economic competitiveness. Biden was given a 100 percent approval rating from AFL-CIO indicating a heavily pro-union voting record. Biden is opposed to the privatization of Social Security and was given an 89 percent approval rating from the Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA), an organization of retired union members.

But, come on Amblessed, hit us with your best shot. You never ask a question that isn’t loaded with lies or rumors or a question that you aren’t ready to jump on.

Out of the three, which do YOU think would be the “best” candidate?

Answer #17

No one would have heard of “Joe” if McCain had not said his name during the debate. McCain brought him up, not Obama. McCain drove the “Joe” point home, not Obama. The press jumped on the “Joe” bandwagon.

and p- From the CNN website “At issue is Obama’s relationship with Ayers, an unrepentant radical who as late as 2001 said he wished he had done more to stop the Vietnam War. After years on the run, the federal government’s case against Ayers and his wife, fellow radical Bernadine Dohrn, was thrown out due to illegal wiretaps and prosecutorial misconduct.”

From the FOX website and the “Special Report With Brit Hume” from October 6, 2008. “HUME: Well, those are two Obama associates who both seem to have sort of similar views of 9/11, that it was not really worse than anything we did as a nation.

Some thoughts on all this now from Fred Barnes, Executive Editor of The Weekly Standard, Mara Liasson, National Political Correspondent of National Public Radio, and Juan Williams, Senior Correspondent of National Public Radio, all are FOX News contributors. There doesn’t seem to be much doubt, Juan, that, in political terms, William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright are undesirables. So the question that arises, and we know about Jeremiah Wright really, and we recognize that Obama once sort of sat at his feet and had him a mentor, but he has cut his ties to him.”

From the MSNBC website “Former radical leader hosted event for Clinton White House alumnus in ‘96 FRAZER, Pa. - Forty years ago Bill Ayers was a leader of a Leninist group called the Weather Underground that carried out bombings of the Pentagon, the Capitol and the New York City police headquarters. On Wednesday night in Philadelphia, Ayers became the latest celebrity in the spectacle of the 2008 presidential campaign. During the debate between Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked Obama about his association with Ayers.

FOX by far had the most links to their reports on the Ayers-Obama connection CNN was nex with MSNBC in third place.

The same coverage was found for the Obama-Wright connection.

Answer #18

“It’s ok if these individuals kill people that you disagree with, but it’s not ok if they kill people you don’t? Get a grip on reality.”

Please show me the stories where Ayers killed anyone? You are so misinformed it isn’t even funny anymore. The weatherman were misguided, and dangerous. But they never targeted people, just buildings. But most of all, they are completely irrelevant to the discussion, because OABAMA HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM!!!

“Because he “asked the QUESTION”, his background was scoured for any issues to discredit him because he asked it. Says volumes for Obama.”

Unbelievable. You have no problem when the right spins their lies about Obama ties to ayres, but how dare they report true things about Joe the non-plumber? It was McCain who brought him to his 15 minutes of fame. It was the press who discovered his professional background, or lack thereof. Obama had nothing to do with it.

“The plan is a horrible idea at an unfortunate time in the American economy and catastrophic to our future.”

And how much creedence should we give the opinion of someone who voted for Bush?

Unfortunately for wingnuts like you seao2florida, you will never know how disastrous a McCain presidency would be. But the country will be far better off with Obama leading.

Answer #19

Are there any real thinkers on this post? Ayers Is William Ayers is soo amazing, what’s so bad about him? It’s not like he flew planes into the fucing twin towers or killed doctors that perform abortions.*

Yea sweetie, he blew up buildings, sent his thugs out over America killing innocent men, women and children all for “change”. Yea, he’s amazing alright. He was young? Yea that is a good argument as well, so was Ted Bundy. And he didn’t kill doctors performing abortions.

It’s ok if these individuals kill people that you disagree with, but it’s not ok if they kill people you don’t? Get a grip on reality.

and Jimahl, “exploit Joe the Plumber”?, Yes McCain certainly did, because it brought home the ridiculousness of Senator Obama’s smoke and mirrors tax plan. It was a small business owners question about what would happen to small businesses under Obama’s tax plan.

And you know what? Because he “asked the QUESTION”, his background was scoured for any issues to discredit him because he asked it. Says volumes for Obama.

The plan is a horrible idea at an unfortunate time in the American economy and catastrophic to our future.

Answer #20

Everyone heard of Joe the Plumber, the night he asked Obama the tax question. And it was a pertinent question about his tax plan. Pundits were talking about it immediately after the debate. Obama was embarrassed by the question and when McCain seized upon it, as he should,(just as Obama or any other politician in a race would have), Obama’s camp dug deep into “Joes” history. Now that is frightening - just because he asked a question, Obama’s camp wants to publicly embarrass “Joe”?

3 news services were removed from Obama’s airplane a couple of days ago to make room. It just so happens the 3 that were removed had endorsed Senator McCain. If the room was needed, was there a better way of doing it? Now Nixon did that after Watergate “punishing” the news services that went after him. He was castrated in the press for it, and rightfully so. What will Obama do as President when someone challenges his policies?

You’re correct MSNBC is in 3rd place. Press services have commented on MSNBC’s gushing endorsement of Obama, reporting little about him that would ‘taint” his image. Yea, biased. It is the reason I will not get information from only a limited number of sources. And CNN is beginning to dig itself out of some of the tarnish they deserved during the Clinton years for being so biased towards his administration. They will report the negative on Obama, just not as much as Fox and other right leaning services.

Answer #21

Joe the Plumber - owes back taxes, lied about his ability to purchase a company and doesn’t have a plumber’s license. Hm. Not good.

And he was late paying his electric bill three times, and his mom wore Army boots…

OMG…I’m appauled…shocked…!!! :) And we all know this, ONLY because he asked a question of Obama…sad isn’t it?? And he isn’t running for anything!! I suppose everyone else here could stand up under a thorough and biased media exploration? Got no skeletons in your closet?? None??? Dirt can be dug up on anybody…anybody!


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