which came first???

which came first the dinosaures (spell error I know) or god but which came first because my guess is when god created the earth for the second time because of adam and eves bad behavior thats when he destroyed the dinos what do you think WHICH CAME FIRST its racking my brain!!!lol

Answer #1

God has yet to come.

Answer #2


God didn’t create the dinosaurs, the earth, or Adam and Eve! God doesn’t exist, even existentially!!!

B.C- non existent B.C.E- before common error

A.C-non existent A.C.E- after common error

The real story is that, “The Bible” is a scientific cover-up to hide the real truth from mundanes such as yourself, What actually happened is that a race of great beings once walked upon this earth and they were at war with beings from other planets, Dinosaurs were kept as war pets similar to the zords from power rangers, these were kitted up with armour and weaponry and used to fight all their battles for them until one day the sentient beings from klaxon506 a planet outside our universe made a laser gun to further their efforts and bring the then earthlings under their rule. The laser was succesful and all the dinosaurs turned against the first life that walked this planet, bringing them down one by one until the very last one was left remaining, his name was Adam, this is how it all got confusing, I feel sorry that none of you ever sought out the real truth, May klaxon506 have mercy on you and your families!

Answer #3

Some very fringe new agers have a theory of how stenonychosaurus… an early raptor… continued to evolve a large brain and the use of its hands until a humanesque point millions of years before man. Stenny… for short… began to explore the cosmos.. eventually colonizing new worlds. Stenny would have escaped the tribulation that killed off dinosaurs. Eventually stenny came back to check on the earth and noticed a hominid that was developing much the same way that stenonychosaur had done millions of years earlier. Stenny decided to bio-engineer a better hominid in order to mine gold. This fringe belief suggests the serpent terminology in the bible and ancient religions is because these “Gods” were reptilian. In accordance with their beliefs… it isn’t impossible that Gods and Dinosaurs are one and the same.

I’m not above relishing in this sort of quackery from time to time.

Answer #4

there isnt any proof of god and the only thing a christian can say is “god did it” but can they prove it? no they just keep saying the same old thing

Answer #5

bacterias are the oldest living thing PS GOD!!! does exists, because how else can you explain why we are here who created everytging that we see to day from galaxies to space to earth and all the living and nonliving organism.

Answer #6

Wow, and I thought our education system was bad. Seems they don’t even teach science in the good old USA!

Answer #7

well im a proud atheist, so I don’t believe in any god as for the dinosaurs they certainly weren’t the first animals on this planet there have been animals and plants living on it for millions-billions of years before them and there were a lot of other periods before the Jurassic period

Answer #8

the dino’s then adam then eve . . who knows there could have been dino’s with adam and eve . . just b/c it doesnt say in the bible . . doesnt meen it wasnt there

Answer #9

Well, if God is the creator then he had to come first! But, God didn’t flood the Earth because of Adam and Eve, nor did he “make it a second time”, LOL ;-)

Answer #10

God came first.

Answer #11

god has no begiinnning and no end and it is a sin to even predict just worship him and obey him~~!!! god came first of course because he created the dinos which went extinct because of the meteror that landed in a huge ocean which wipe most of them out but mystriously didnt wipe out the sharks!…

Answer #12

Uhm what particular religion do you believe in? I’ve yet to hear of any christian sect that believes the earth was created twice… and I’ve read genesis, no mention of the earth being created twice… so… this must be a new religion?

Answer #13

please dont answer my questions with your sarcastic insults if your gonn answer the my question was a this or that answer not all of that an for ty I could care less if you read genesis 100,000 times you have nbo right to critisize me on my opinion also try reading in genesis 6:1-8 thankx:(

Answer #14

Huh? If you believe that god created the universe then the only logical thing to think is that he is the creator and had to come first. You should think more logically and not believe in fairy tales… Not insulting your beliefs, I was in the same religion as you and found it contradicts itself, not to mention has been proven scientifically incorrect. But a tiny bit of commom sense would tell you that, even your question would, its not real.

Answer #15

Scientific Point of View: dinosaurs were here in the Jurassic period and god doesn’t exist Spiritual point of view: God was always there and created every living thing and made man last, but the best ones are made for now

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