What time period did Humans first walk the Earth?

all that I really know is that we walked on Earth 2 million years after the dinosaurs went extinct. I just dont know what time period we were in.

Answer #1

dont we all start center and level in our own time at that level we create we do why because never forget two togeather are god

Answer #2

well actually we walked the earth 2 million years ago from now. So 2 million bc. It was called the Pliocene, now modern man living in groups and villages is only about 10,000 years old.

Answer #3

Actually, dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago. The first humans evolved around 4 million years ago, they are called Australopithecus afarensis. Modern humans evolved about 200,000 years ago.

If you compared the time the Earth has existed to a day, modern humans haven’t arrived on the scene till the last 2 seconds.

Answer #4

It really depends on what you call ‘’human.’’ Modern humans, homo sapiens, didn’t arrive on the scene until 65 million years after the dinosaurs went extinct and have only been on the planet for about 190,000 years. Our apelike ancestors first came down from the trees about 5.8 million years ago, but they were far from human.

National Geographic has a pretty nice interactive timeline that helps put everything in perspective, complete with the names of the eras and ages.


Answer #5

It depends on your Religions veiws really. There is Adam & Eve who walked The garden of Eden at the beginning of time. But for the scienceist veiws the Cave men millions of years ago.

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