Where is my half sister?

Same farther”arthur saccoach”different mother, my farther’s mother had my sister her hole life. My sister name is maria saccoach/cullain Maria has two babys from what I know

Answer #1

can you ask your father where she is or another familiy member on your dads side? family tree search background check also if she was married she might have a different last name you could also check in town hall records which is free but more work involved if you know the town its $10 at a local post office for an address look up also you can try and find her on a social site, a social site, twitter, ect. I have a half sister too, just found out that she lives in florida by using a social site I live in connecticut and haven’t seen her in about 10yrs. Good Luck!

Answer #2

it wouldn’t let me say the names of the social sites for policy reasons

Answer #3

so do a family tree search!!

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