Why can't edward cullen be real?

Why can’t edward cullen be real! And why can’t at least vampires be real so I can be one?

Answer #1

OH NO NO NO NO NO!!! Edward is mine!!! Back off!!! I wish I was bella 2! also I wish I was older! It sucks that he is “17” and im 13!!!

Answer #2

You really want some pedophile stalker to be your boyfriend? Yes, I’m sure all the ladies are pining over guys who come in through their windows at night to watch them sleep. No, that’s not the least bit creepy or illegal. Not to mention the fact that he prefers to date women 100 years his junior, yeah, that’s all the qualities I’D look for in a guy, say, if I were brain dead. Jackasses.

Answer #3

haha… I think all us lovers of edward should go to forks (if it is real) and change our names to bella… and then go to school and then we can find edward fall in love and we can all be happy and dandy in forks with a bunch of vampires… lol… or we should be part of the vampire group and that way we can fall inlove with other sexy vamipres ahahahhahaha


Answer #4

I reckon! Edward is the ultimate guy for any girl! He is sweet, charming, good looking, romantic, very protective, loving…the list could go on and on and on!

Answer #5

Seriously why isn’t he real?! I cry like all the time because there aren’t any guys who are out there that are as romantic and sweet. Like just reading the books make my heart stop,so the movie is going to kill me.

oh! and who else thinks that Elenn Page(Juno) should have been Bella? Yes,Stewart can get all her akward moments,but Page is more liek Bella,she blushes and can act a shy/clumsy part extremely well.

But I can’t take it,I say we egg Meyers house for creating a guy that breaks every girl who reads Twilight hearts’ x]

Answer #6

I’m a vampire (: -hiss-

I want an Edward Cullen too ): I love the Twilight Series Its so sweet.

It’s one of those romance books that makes your insides melt, not because it’s cute but just because it rocks, and is.. heart stopping, at tims

Answer #7

EDWARD IS MINE! I WANT HIM! he is such a gentleman, I love that. the time when he kissed Bella for the 1st time, and she almost fainted, I wish that was me! I;m reading the 2nd book now, cant wait 2 get 2 a happier part, I;m depressed cause Bella is. the lullaby is sooo romantic, I wish a guy like Edward would write me a song, I would love him FOREVER.

I also love Jasper 2, he is so mysterious and sexy and quiet. JASPER, I LOVE U!

Alice is my twin sister.

Emmett is my big bro/body guard

Answer #8

ugh I would be in total bliss with my edward he is all I ever wanted I love him way more than jacob!!! I would become a vampire anyday by edward!!!

Answer #9

They are real. But there not as described.

Answer #10

You gals..I dont understand. How come there are no guys out there like Edward. I read the series and I find myself yearning for a guy like him. For a guy to sneak into myy room at night and put me to sleep with my own lulaby..IT’S NOT FAIR. I think that some people out there deserve someone like Edward. Some one like me…sniffs He’s so perfect. God-like..and he cherishes Bella..NOT FAIR!!! I long for someone exactly like Edward..even the vampire part. Imagine getting made immortal by the one you love..wow it sooo ROMANTIC! I LOVE YOU EDWARD CULLEN!!! omg look at this pic that I found on the net for the up coming movie!!

Answer #11

You gals..I dont understand. How come there are no guys out there like Edward. I read the series and I find myself yearning for a guy like him. For a guy to sneak into myy room at night and put me to sleep with my own lulaby..IT’S NOT FAIR. I think that some people out there deserve someone like Edward. Some one like me…sniffs He’s so perfect. God-like..and he cherishes Bella..NOT FAIR!!! I long for someone exactly like Edward..even the vampire part. Imagine getting made immortal by the one you love..wow it sooo ROMANTIC! I LOVE YOU EDWARD CULLEN!!! omg look at this pic that I found on the net for the up coming movie!!

Answer #12

God I wish Edward was real yet I’m kind of glad that vamps are not real. Imagine bumping into james. I hope I find my own Edward Cullen one day… (sigh) :D

Answer #13

vampires? that would suck if they were real o_o I would become extremely paranoid along with a lot of people

Btw why do you put on so much make up and stuff its kinda creepy ( no offense intended) o_o;;

Answer #14

thik id have a freakn heart attack if they were real. why the hell would you want to be one? is it to be origonal or are you trying to get attention in a different way than usual. hope im not sounding mean just asking ?? p.s dont bite me if your wish comes true lol

Answer #15

why do girls like that bok series so much. could you help me understand. A couple of things though.

  1. you’re Edward cullen will arrive
  2. I too wish to be a vampire
  3. you have make up on
  4. I have only read a little on the firs book( and im a guy. how creepy is that)
Answer #16

he’ll arrive( Maybe?)

Answer #17

Why can’t Edward be real? Well, I’m pretty sure it’s because many girls would fight over him, and ultimately kill each other. Edward is the closest thing to perfect that I’ve ever seen, read, or heard of.

In time, I believe that we’ll all find our own Edward. But until then, it’s nice to dream isn’t it? I can’t believe that I can actually say that I’m in love with a fictional character. And until I find him, the Twilight series gives me hope that guys like Edward are actually out there. But they are definitely hard to find.

lol, if you’re like Edward..let me know. I’d love to meet you.

And as for vampires, I believe they’re out there. Over time the image of vampires have gotten twisted by Hollywood. But every story comes from somewhere. I’d love to meet one– See how they really are. But until there’s serious proof, it’s just whatever you believe.

Answer #18

Edward is incredibly yummy… I think every girl longs for a guy like Edward Sophisticated, beautiful and understanding. I love the fact that Stephanie made a universal hunk =) he is mine…BACK OFF LADIES! Though after Eclipse Jacob is starting to come in a close second

Answer #19

he’s too perfect to be real.

Answer #20

vampires could be real.. like.. they could be all secretive about it so we would never know…

Answer #21

vampires are real you just have to know where to look for them…edward is a very good choice though

Answer #22

Vampires are real. My boyfriend could be a version of edward, lol hes pale with the organish hair.

Answer #23

What’s so great about Edward? I think he’s incredibly boring. He lacks any personality and he’s creepy. He’s anything but a gentleman.

Please, go find a real boyfriend instead of obsessing over one that’s dead and likes you because he thinks you smell nice.

Answer #24

YEAH!!! I LOVE EDWARD!!! I wish he was real as well…and you know, if he was real, I would want to be a vampire as well. That would be so cool!

Answer #25

Because he’s a Gary Stu and we all know they don’t exist except in the minds of purile fanbrats. And, evidently, Stephanie Meyer.

How such a two dimensional book with so many cliches and such awful purple prose became a best-seller is a mystery to me.

Flat Characters + Cheesy Romance + Very Little Plot = Best Seller.

Does. Not. Compute.

He’s a paedophile, undead and seriously abusive.

Want him now?

Answer #26

I think jasper is better!!! I sooo wish they were real!

Answer #27

I am part vampire. no joke. and just watch me I will be in a movie with Robert sometime in the future. I can tell because I’m a little bit physic and also the fact that I am an actor.

Answer #28

Because life isn’t fair! Honey I feel your pain.

Answer #29

Because life isn’t fair! Honey I feel your pain.

Answer #30

wow was that evan a scerious question

Answer #31

I want him to be real to :(

Answer #32

he is in a book with a stupid girl for a girlfriend and I want my jasper (no offense but I love jasper more)

Answer #33

he is in a book with a stupid girl for a girlfriend and I want my jasper (no offense but I love jasper more)

Answer #34

dont we all wish that we could find a HUMAN form of edward with the same degree of beauty

Answer #35

twilight <333 best book everrr = ] ugh I cant believe Stewart is going to be Bella in the movie. =/ Panabaker would be a wayy better actor !

Answer #36

hot ??? lol only in the movies. like a johny depp one would be great…think id even have a go at that …

Answer #37

Haha no vampires are hott! And seductive..I honestly wish they were real and edward!!!

Answer #38

hey I’m a vampire… Lestat is the sh*t!!!

Answer #39

vampires? that would suck if they were real o_o I would become extremely paranoid along with a lot of people

Answer #40

It WOULD ‘suck” if they were real, and it would “bite” too. :) ;)

Answer #41

me to all of them exept bad guys

Answer #42

I agree! everyone should have their own Edward, and someday maybe everyone will.

Answer #43

sniff sniff I long for edward…

Answer #44

How I wish Edward Cullen was real as well! He is so mine! I love him!!!

Answer #45


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