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Can someone help me with my edward cullen's obsecion?
I don’t now what to do …iam totlally in love with edawrd cullen!! I now it sound stupid …I have cried many times because I know he’s not real!!! I not its sounds really stupid but im only 15 try to understand my problem I can’t control my feelings!!!
How I wish I were bwlla swan!!!
“This” edward cullen?? beg your pardon???
Edward Cullen IS THE MOST amazing, gorgeous, PERFECT fictional character ever.
that really suxx
‘this’ edward cullen. IS that what you are calling him? god. edward cullen is the hottest fictional character ever!!!
Dont worry I do the same thing I wish I were her to :) -_~
I have the same problem and I have dunno what to do! Do boys like him really exist?? It just shows that no all girls want a Jack-the-lad boyfriend!
Hi, I too am love with the Edward Cullen character. His obsession, love, protection, constant-thought-awareness–who would not want that for themselves. Much less from a gorgeous, humble, talented, etc…man. This man does not have a job, go to school, or anything else (eat, sleep, etc)…his life is only Bella. This is not possible in reall life by any stretch at all. Stop your obsession anyway that you can–you have to quit Edward and turn to something else if you really want this kind of love. Now, what I do know is this: I have read the saga twice, seen the movie as well–I LOVE it all. The ONLY way that you CAN have this kind of a relationship is one way. Trust me on this, I have been 16, been in “to-die-for-love”, I am happily married AND still I have this kind of relationship, I do experience this love, the kind that Edward gave Bella. But, it is not from a human. It is from God. (Please listen) He loves you more than anyone, anything, anywhere. Start reading a bible and He will reveal His love for you. I KNOW this sounds corney, crazy, and silly. But if you want to feel this kind of love in your lifetime–seek a realtionship from God–he is the only one who can complete you. Then, you will be ready to give yourself to a man. People are human, humans make mistakes and are sinful, naturally selfish–you can NEVER wrap your total happiness around a human, you will get hurt and dissapointed eventually.
Learn to live with it! It is fine to obsess over a fictional character as long as you don’t like wait up all night for him or like sprinkle your boyfriend with glitter so that he’ll look like him. Now THAT is obsession. Don’t let it get too far. Like me for example, everytime I see a pic of Edward or watch Twilight, I get really jittery and want to scream out the words, “I LOVE YOU EDWARD!”, but I know that he is a fictional character and I know that he is head over heels for Bella, so I look for MY Edward, an Edward Cullen in real life. Now, because of that, I am happily married with one beautiful daughter and I am happy! I wouldn’t trade this life for anything, even if the fictional Edward was real, I still wouldn’t give this up. Give it some time an dlive with it while it lasts. When you finally find the real Edward, it feels like you’d never even had an obsession!
Is any guy jealous of edward cullen? - 3 Answers
Is any guy jealous of edward cullen? would you act like him?
Edward Cullen or Jacob Black? - 4 Answers
Who do you like the best? Edward or Jacob? GO EDWARD!!
edward vs. jacob - 4 Answers
edward cullen or jacob black?...I choose edward!!! ( ;
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I think Brendon Urie (from Panic at the disco) would be the perfect Edward Cullen! haha. I think his personality goes great. ...
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If it’s true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?
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