where do you found a vampire

where do you found a vampire in Utah?

Answer #1

in an Anne Rice book

Answer #2

believe what you want I believe them…a kid in my class keeps calling me a vampire!

Answer #3

why do you want to find a vampire , what you going to do when you find one ?

Answer #4

They don’t exist…sorry.

Answer #5

For one yumiyukai vampires don’t kill the people they drink blood from. The council has made it ilegal to kill them because humans will start to question things to much. As for the question vampires are every were. your best friend could b one so could your cuzin. But if you realy want to find one try a medow or a field right at daybreak or sunset. This way you could still see but still find a vampire.( ignore all rumors about vampires not to being able to go out in sunlight it’s a myth. They simply prefer the dark) or you could try an underground bar or club anything with rose daisy iris or another type of flower in the name is very likely to be run by vampires witches wherewolves or shapshifters. Any more questions don’t b afraid to fun mail me.

Answer #6

Well…That’s not particularly true…Vampires really did use to exist but people killed them…somehow. But as “Adults” would say they’re Fiction! Dude I don’t know if you’ll find one now days, but believe in what you want to. I sure do!!! lol…

Answer #7

Well…That’s not particularly true…Vampires really did use to exist but people killed them…somehow. But as “Adults” would say they’re Fiction! Dude I don’t know if you’ll find one now days, but believe in what you want to. I sure do!!! lol…

Answer #8

They found piratess ! there cud be vampires lol..

but I don’t know were.

Answer #9

If you’ll read back through the many many FunAdvice questions on vampires and whether they exist, you’ll get a pretty clear idea of the picture:

  • there are the Twilight enthusiasts who believe fervently in them

  • and then there are the rest of us out here, who are equally convinced that they don’t exist, and never have - not in Utah or anywhere else. The scientific proof lies onf that side of the fence, by the way.

Answer #10

find a person who thinks they’re a vampire??? vampires aren’t real so you won’t find a real one.. don’t you think there’d be more disappearances that can’t be solved by detectives?? either that or they’d put it on the news!! vampires, as many who believe may say, may not crave blood and going out to kill people, but there’d be a few people and even animals right?? they have to live some how.. and if there are many out there?? that’s what I believe.. they’re not real..

Answer #11

vampires are not real they dont exist and never have learn more about science and things that are actually important to life because make beleive creatures are not

Answer #12

considering how u cant even accomplish a sentence that makes sense, ur probably not fit 2 meet a vampire…

Answer #13

You havn’t met me yet. I was born with a blood “fetish”. Been drinking what I can get a hold of since I was old enough to walk. I also manipulate EMC’s in the body by touch. I am 30 year old Duke University and NYU test subject for natural phemonena for pyschological behavior and medical research and I have a medical prescription for blood. Science hasn’t ruled out vampirism completely because it’s created its own. I know of at least a couple hundred like me.

Answer #14

jerk i wrote this when i was in 3ed grade give me a break

Answer #15

Sry cant tell you but if you do your reasearch you can find one

Answer #16

Sry cant tell you but if you do your reasearch you can find one

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