Where do all the races come from?

I have always wonder where do all the races come from because we see all kinds of diferent people, like diferent skin color, eye color, etc. aren’t we suposed to be sons of Adam and eve?

Answer #1

Utopia, I apologize if I offended you. Thank you for showing me what a “Christian response” should be.

Answer #2

Catholic is Christian.

Yea, and Taco Bell is a Mexican restaurant.

Answer #3

Hitler was raised Catholic.

Catholic is Christian.

Answer #4

Hitler was ALSO raised Christian.

Wrong again. Hitler was raised Catholic.

Answer #5

Wrong. Adaptation is not evolution.

WRONG. Gradual, biological adaptations ARE a form of evolution.

Answer #6

If Evolotion is true; then, “how would we look for the next thousands of years?

Answer #7

beat me to it slavaim well said 1_~

Answer #8

Why am I arguing this. Even the nutty catholic church accept evolution…

Answer #9

the different skin colors are proof of evolution in action.

it has been proven our ancestors originated in africa, as we began to move around as a species- to different climates around the world our skin and bodies evolved to handle those other areas of our planet. eventually we were spread all over the planet and the different races were seperated by oceans and became exclusive to particular areas of the world.

Answer #10

the different skin colors are proof of evolution in action.

Wrong. Adaptation is not evolution.

Boldwinwolf IS A FROOTKAKE be side the poent Ech person livs in a difrint area so thar bodes do ADAPT BUT NOT AVALV to thar climint

sandman14235, If you expect to have the slightest shred of credibility on here, you need to learn to spell correctly. Spelling mistakes happen, but this is way over the top.

Answer #11

actually it does prove evolution. If these sorts of minor changes could occur in the space of 10000s of years, imagine what the accumulated affect of millions of years could be (a change in species).

Of you could keep rejecting every bit of evidence :)

Answer #12

Ugh. Even the ancient Jews who wrote the story of Adam and Eve knew it was a myth.

Evolution adequately accounts for variety not only of species, but also within a species, such as is seen in humans.

Answer #13

But houmens are only 10,000 yers old

…uh…huh… aaand where did you come up with that number?

If yol can prove to me that evolution axzists then I wil beleve u That dosint prove eny thing

Just because you lack the motivation to do some objective research, doesn’t mean it doesn’t prove anything. Its pointless to explain ANYTHING to you, when you lack even the most basic understanding of the concept. Considering how poorly you form sentences, its safe to assume that evolution is WAY over your head…

Answer #14

If Evolotion is true; then, how would we look for the next thousands of years?

You want someone to just GUESS? What’s the point? Besides, technically we would be descendants of Noah and his sons. Since everyone else was killed by the (finger quotes) flood.

Answer #15

Where do all the races come from?

Gradual, biological adaptations ARE a form of evolution.

Following the logic that adaptation is evolution would lead to the idea that one race has “evolved” more than others (Adolf Hitler believed that the Aryan race was the most highly “evolved”). This is one example as to why the Theory of Evolution, taken to its logical conclusion, is evil.

Answer #16

Logic doesn’t lead to subjective ideas… biases and ignorance do. Logic is objective…

Hitler was ALSO raised Christian. So that would, by your ‘’logical’’ standards, make GOD evil too.

So think of a better example… instead of being so quick to associate ‘Hilter’ in attempt to demonize a concept you just simply don’t agree with. It makes you look desperate, among other things.

Answer #17

Okay, okay, there are a lot of points on here, some of them are even right.

Here is what I believe, you can take it or leave it, but I will not be caught in a huge argument. The thing is there is a very good case for evolution, even in the bible. The catholic church shut out beliefs about evolution well into the eighteen hundreds for fear of loosing control of the masses.

So here’s the thing. I don;t know if you noticed, but the bible talks about mosters. These could be the bones of dinos, you never know, or some giant sea creature. First of all, unless you have a live dinosour in your back yard there are no dinosaours left, which means there can be huge changes, obviously.

Secondly, not many people realize that the book of job was written before the book of genesis. Did you know that? I didn’t until I got a special bible a few years ago. So anywho, also even though the bible (in cristian belief) is the Inspired Word of God, it was written by man, written, and transcribed many different times and in many different languages, not to mention that these histories were passed down hundreds of times by word of mouth before they ever saw stone or papyrus.

Another major point that many forget is that during translation, some things can be lost. The original word that was later transcribed as day, erata (not sure on the spelling) literally means period of time. So it was seven periods of time, which could be days, weeks, hours, years, millenia, seconds…we just don’t know.

According to the bible the races were seperated at the end of the construction of a large tower. The story goes that the people after the flood were a very cloesly knit group, all being related and all… So they decided to build a tower to God. Somewhere along the line, people blurred the edges of where we stand against God, and said that we could be better than God. So, the bible says God was very mad, but because of the promise he had made to Noah he did not wipe them out, but seperated them. Some he sent to Africa under the hot sun, some to the north, where the mists blocked the suns rays from mans skin. This is where evolution begins to play it’s role. Now the biggest part of this was that God said, I wont let them think themselves better than I again, and so he made some to speak one language, while others spoke another. They all drifted apart, and even to this day we all speak differently, have different cultures and beliefs, and interact with each other in unique ways.

While many of the things involved in history play a role in the way people believe, it does not impact what God is, or what He has done. God gave us free will for a reason. Now is the age of understanding, when men and women have come together again to do many great and many terrible things. It speaks of this too, in the bible, and warns against losing sight of what is truly important.

I usrge you all, take a moment, sit back and ponder what you have. Though you may think your blessings small, what would life be without them. Instead of squabbling let us be reasonable, and use logic and understanding in ou educated arguments, whatever your education be, whether religious in nature or scientific. But do not lose sight of the friends you can make on this site and those you have in the world around you. Do not push each other away with hard-headedness and the inability to listen without jusgement. Judge not lest ye be judged.

Sorry if I sound a little preachy there, but for a second I thought some of my sunday school students were fighting. LOL, couldn’t help myself grins. Forgive me please.

Give someone a smile today…they’re free.

Answer #18

Catholic is Christian.

Yea, and Taco Bell is a Mexican restaurant.’

why bother to argue much less discuss…

bro tony is not anyone’s brother unless you fit into his idea of christian. I have grown so weary of some of the ‘christians’ on this site.

Answer #19

*Catholic is Christian.

Yea, and Taco Bell is a Mexican restaurant.*

You don’t seem to understand what the word denomination means. It’s like Corolla is a product of Toyota. Just because something doesn’t fit your framework of what it is supposed to be, doesn’t make it incorrect.

Answer #20

I always thought the Christian rejection of Catholics was a smug form of elitism. Well if the denominations can’t respect one another, what hope is there for properly different religions :)

Answer #21

Actually Christians reject cathlocism because of a long history of domination against the people. This is where the protestant movement began.

Christians, as a whole, do not dislike Catholics, we just do not agree with some of their teachings, although the main tenents of their faith were the foundations of ours. The biggest difference I can see is the ridgidity that is involved in their worship services. And maybe the way they revere Mary. Also, there is a difference in that modern Christians understand there is no way to work ourselves into heaven. The only way to get there is to accept a gift freely given.

Okay, so there are a lot of differences, but we did origianally come from them, the same way catholics came from Jews. We are all related in the faith.

Answer #22

So what you’re basically saying is that your faith is right, and the 1000s of other religions that have existed are wrong… logical :)

Answer #23

So what you’re basically saying is that your faith is right,

Umm… yea! Of course I think my faith is right! Why would I believe it if I thought it was wrong?

and the 1000s of other religions that have existed are wrong

You think that thousands of religions, with (probably) tens of thousands of differing teachings are all right?! Wow. You have a lot more faith in religion than I do.

Answer #24


I think I need to re evaluate my life… Why am I wasting my time on this. I’d get a more sophisticated argument from a 13 year old.

Answer #25

Logic 101 by bro_tony:

  1. Catholics are not Christian, even though every single extant Christian denomination on earth originates in Catholicism, and the NT that he no doubt idolizes, was written by the Catholic church.

  2. It is more likely that out of the thousands of religions on this planet, one is correct rather than none.

Answer #26


Thank you.

I think I need to re evaluate my life…

Glad I could help.

Why am I wasting my time on this. I’d get a more sophisticated argument from a 13 year old.

I’m not sure that a 13 year-old’s argument would be more “sophisticated”, but I agree that it would be more beneficial for you to debate someone more at your level.

Logic 101 by bro_tony:

Not bad toadaly, except that you should have said that every “Protestant” denomination on earth originates in Catholicism. Also, the NT was not written by the Catholic Church, it was written by the Apostles.

I will be generous and give you a C+. With a little more research and studying, I am confident that you can bring that grade up.

Answer #27

if you are speaking on color it is because of the climate,if white people live in africa and breed long enough there would be no more white skin,we all bleed red and are children of God-Jesus is God and one with the Father,people that believe in eveloution and try and disprove theBible are people that dont want to follow rules and want to continue to live in sin,these people find out who they really are and cant handle it so they believe in eveloution

Answer #28

@ bro tony… ‘Brilliant…

Thank you.

I think I need to re evaluate my life…

Glad I could help.

Why am I wasting my time on this. I’d get a more sophisticated argument from a 13 year old.

I’m not sure that a 13 year-old’s argument would be more “sophisticated”, but I agree that it would be more beneficial for you to debate someone more at your level.

Logic 101 by bro_tony:

Not bad toadaly, except that you should have said that every “Protestant” denomination on earth originates in Catholicism. Also, the NT was not written by the Catholic Church, it was written by the Apostles.

I will be generous and give you a C+. With a little more research and studying, I am confident that you can bring that grade up.’

WWJD? Obviously He would be sarcastic, scornful and belittling towards the person to whom He was speaking… Thanks for providing such a respectful and ‘christian’ response. We can always count on you ‘fundamentalists’ to show us the true behavior of G-d’s children.

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