Where can I help with wildlife?

I was wondering since I love animal so much if there was a place I could go there and help out with animal like foxes and bird and stuff deer ect.. I live in peoria il am 14 I mostly around cats and dogs ( don’t get me wrong I like cat and dog just as much as the other person) but I want to be around other animal like snakes money lion ect..

Answer #1

If you want to look into this as a career, talk to your school and a college you have in mind about what kind of programs are being offered. Take zoo tours and find out if you have a local wild life conservation group. Here in southern Michigan, we have the Dahlem Environmental Center, that I used to volunteer at quite frequently.

Answer #2

Try looking under Wildlife Rescue on the internet

Answer #3

I know that my friend works/volenteers at our local zoo. I don’t know what the law is there but I would try to find out what there volenteer age is. Or at what age, exsperience, ect. they start hiring at. I hope this helps!

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