When you were young...

What did you want to be? I wanted to be a gypsie/pirate and now my fave movies is POTC and I’m doing POTC for my concert.

Answer #1

When I was little, I wanted to be an archaeologist. Then I wanted to be a Marine and a compute programmer.

I still want to be a Marine and a computer programmer. =]

Answer #2

I wanted to be a zamboni driver lol I also wanted to be a firefighter, an astronaut, a nurse, and a pro athlete! now I dont know what I want to be :)

Answer #3

A power ranger. I was dead serious about it too. We had rings that would ‘morph’ us and everything. I also wanted to be a teacher, but I came down from that cloud reeeal quick. haha :)

Answer #4

when I was little I wanted to be a ballerina and then a marine bioligist

Answer #5

when I was little I wanted to be santa claus, a pirate, the villian in super hero storeis, and one of the charlies angels lol

Answer #6

when I was young I always wanted to be a dancer or something like that… now all I want to be is a mental health therapist!!!=]

Answer #7

dancer author cellist and party planner and still want to be

Answer #8

one of the team from biker mice from mars :)

Answer #9

I wanted to be a surgeon and operate on people xD

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