When you have red hair,pale skin,and blue/green eyes..makeup ideas?

I have really light skin and green/blue eyes. I have blonde eye lashes and I need a new look…to make me look sexy and older…im 16 and I want to impress the mean girls and attract boys from school…sounds cheesy but I need help…asap!! please help me

Answer #1

You sound really pretty! Apply eyeliner to the top eyelid , masquera and a bit of lip gloss

Answer #2

Violets look good with blue green eyes. And try brown or green mascara.

Answer #3

first off —no blue or green eyeshadow ( it looks trashy ) ,also remember don’t use a foundation darker than your natural tone. second thing is try blonde highlights (my best friend is a redhead, w/ blue eyes , fair skin, and lots of frecklesshe looks good with blonde hair) or try a different shade of red,like a dark auburn, or burgandy. try a light shade of brown eye shadow, if you have straight hair try using curl enhancing shampoo and mouse.( add mouse to wet hair and scrunch) using hairspray too will help it hold and help prevent frizz. if you have curly hair , try usin a straighener and frizz ease( suave hair serum works great, plus it sprays on so it doesn’t look oily. use darkest black mascara or a Blue/or green both look great. also don’t wear revealing clothes, it does attract attention, but the wrong kind(rapist, and perverts) leave something to the imagination. guys like girls with confidence, don’t be a snob, but don’t just talk to everyone. You’ll probably see that it isn’t looks at all that are getting the guys attention its sex. and most girls are giving it up, DON”T.. Older guys will appreciate your lack of experience, and also make you feel more attractive. hope you get what you need out of this. GOOD LUCK

Answer #4

browns and golds would look good for eyeshadow, possibly brown mascara, never use black. light lip gloss, get your color skin tone for foundations you could go a little darker if you want, just make sure to blend it. any color eyeliner would look good, well the basic colors. but never put on too much makeeeup.

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