When is he gonna beak up with me?

Ok so I am 13 years old and me and my boyfriend have been going out for 2 monthes. We hang out like every weekend, which is always with my best friend and his. But this monday he said he didnt want to go to the movies with us and it seems like he is trying to avoid me. So I’ve been keeping a clse eye about him breaking up with me but I havent seen or heard anything. What should I do? Should I break up wit him now or just see how it goes?

Answer #1

talk to him and ask him about why hes avoiding you dont wait for him to break up with you if you feel like theres nothing there anymore and hes not interested just break it off with him

Answer #2

I think just give him his space. Your very young and there are a lot of other boys in this world. So if this does not work out just wait for another boy to come along because trust me theres no way you and this boy will be together for ever anyways. And if you feel he does not want to be with you, ask him and if he does not sound like he wants to be with you still then make it easy on the both of you and break it off your self. Or go on a break. Yours truly, Demika Ray

Answer #3

thankss!!! I broke up with him a couple days ago =)

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