When can I move out(and I live in ga)?

Ok, im 14. I was planning on moving out when I turned 16, but I don’t want to go infront of a judge. I want to move out because of my parents not respecting me, and I don’t think this is a valid reason for me to bring infront of a judge. I want to move in with my friend, but I need help :/ can anyone give me a good answer to if I can move out without going infront of a judge at the age of 16?

Answer #1

I think you can but say that you are staying at a friends house for a week or 2 then if they ask why say it is for a projcet for school and if thay say on stay up and seek out of the house and go to the friends house

Answer #2

if your perents are not respecting you… in what way are they not respecting you? because sometimes it can be you not respecting their rules and also they punishing you because of it… I’m not being mean but you also gatta tell us the part of your perents story…

If they are abusing you in anyway, if they are not taking care of you like a perent should then you can take it to court, but as you said not repecting me and I’m not sure I can take it court then it is not a valid reason why you would want to move out…


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