What's wrong with my parakeet's nose?

For some reason, My green parakeet’s nose looks weird..it looks rotten almost, and bigger then usual, compared to my others. It smells horrible as well. I’m very worried, what can I do?

Answer #1

I would get him to the Vet asap.

Answer #2

hello, i was having the problem with my parakeet if the nose is brown and almost a crusty then this is a sure sing that your parakeet is ready to mate

Answer #3

make sure u give him clean water just like u drink onece u take him to du vet

Answer #4

Could be a fungus. Make sure he sees a vet, has clean water daily and has a “beak stick” or shale stick to scratch his beak on.

Answer #5

eww lol

take him to the vet its probably an infection .

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