What's wrong with my parakeets?

I have both a male and a female untamed Parakeets. My female Parakeet is doing fine she flies really well, wings aren’t clipped, eats and drinks really well. My male on the other hand is eating and drinking really well but seems to always hang out in the bottom corner of the cage. Whenever my female or someone comes near him or the cage he does the “I’m POed chirp (we all know what that sounds like if you own a Parakeet).” He looks as though he has gained a lot of weight in a short period of time, you can all of a sudden take him out and hold him. When he flies he will fly up to the ceiling but then he will lose air and turn around and fall. Was kind of curious if he could be a she and she a he? Do females seem to gain weight before they get ready to lay eggs or could something else be wrong with him. Someone please give me advice. Thank you

Answer #1

First… you can tell a parakeet’s gender by their beaks. Females have a pink nose, and males have a blue nose. I know nose sounds weird but I forgot what it is called… I apologize

If he has flown and fallen before, then it’s possible that he really hurt himself. Definitely check to see if there is a draft… and try covering them at night to keep them warm.

Answer #2

A couple questions, how old are the birds and did you recently change food or water? Next, It is fall, it not uncommon for weather changes, if they are by a window, check for a draft, birds can get a cold. They are warm weather foul. Move to a more moist and draft free area. Second, check out a local pet store and ask other questions. They may have some more good advice. Remember, spring is normally egg laying season, but the males do have a role to play and birds in captivity do not always follow the trend.

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