What's wrong with a clingy friend?

My friend is always telling me that my girlfriend is to clingy to me but I kinda like her that way so whats wrong with a clingy girlfriend

Answer #1

There’s nothing wrong with our relationship she just like that

Answer #2

I like a girl that’s clingy because I know she will be there for me and it shows that she really cares for me

Answer #3

Like set it straight you mean kick his @ss right LOL. I’ll talking him and tell him to stay out of what I do

Answer #4

Nothing, if you’re happy with her like that.

Some people don’t like others to be clingy and in their own mind, nobody should like it.

Just set him straight - tell your friend that it works for you.

Answer #5

if you like that she is like that, then tell him, and he should just respect it. Sometiems things that bother most people dont bother others, if you like her clingyness, then enjoy it and the next time you see her, tell her you like her exactly the way she is and never to change,

Answer #6

Don’t worry about it. His friends will get use to it trust me. He just isnt use to his friend having a girlfriend with him all the time and he could be jealous. Believe me, I’ve been through this. Just be lucky your girlfriend loves you and wants to be with you.

Answer #7

Being clingy doesnt mean she cares about you. >Coming from an adults perspective…Clingy is insecurity, and immaturity! Clingy girls need constant attention & acts of affection from her man in order to make her feel adequate. Shes insecure about the relationship. Couples need their own space. Its not healthy to always have to be together 24/7.

Answer #8

Most guys wouldnt want a “clingy” girlfriend. Most normal guys need to have their own space. Eventually, a clingy person becomes completely dependant on the other person and loses the ability to live on their own. What’s important is why you want to be close to your partner. Do you need to be close so you can make sure the other one still loves you, or do you want to be close just because you like it? I think this is an important difference. Just because you want to be close to your partner doesn’t necessarily mean you have a problem. It depends on the reason why you want that.

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