What is going on i'm itching constantly and my neck hurts from scratching?

Ok for a few days now, I’ve been ichting and its getting on my nerves its usually in my neck and back I don’t know whats wrong, I’ve had chicken pox before I cant be having it again because if I do I would be ichy everywhere rite?

so what is it? I have a rele long hair down to my waist can that be the problem? my head is ichy as well… my boyfriend has nits so im guessing I got them as well now… :S can they be bitting me in the back and neck? is that possible especially when I have clothes on?

can this be something else or what? my neck is really stinging now because I keep scrathing it, they don’t show any rash or anything I just ich a lot or can it be because my dog just had puppies and I carry them all the time that theyre dirty and they got lice or sumin and got stuck in my clothes… but I’ve just washed them a few days ago :S

do you have any idea whats wrong? if you do, do you have any solution to stop it??? thnx!!

Answer #1

I’ve washed myself yesterday, even had a bath after, but ill change my bed sheets though I may have them there as well, and I will vacuum, my room is well clean, I don’t let the dogs in, I just don’t know where it came from, because I had the puppies for weeks and just started itching a few days ago… :S

it maybe my boyfriend xD how can I tell my boyfriend that??? without sounding harsh :S and telling him his dirty???

Answer #2

okay…there’s any number of possibilites…first off…do to the store and by a really heavy duty soap and wash yourself from head to toe…tell your boyfriend to do the same…then wash ALL of your clothes, bed sheets and underwear in HOT water…just to eliminate the possiblity of nits or fleas…

secondly…wash your hair with a deep cleaning shampoo and conditioner…

after that…get a aloe based lotion and rub it over your skin…maybe it’s just dry skin…but make sure you totally clean everything…clean your room too…vaccum your floors and dust your furtinute off…basically clean everything…you need to make sure you’re getting rid of any pests…

if you’re still itching after that…see a demotoligist…

Answer #3

why dont you telly your boyfriend that his friend has them so he better check , tth may work

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