whats the diff in religion?

whats the diffrence bttween being a cristian and being cathloc?

Answer #1

Except Jewish People and Muslims.

umm…no, jewish and islam are two SEPERATE RELIGIONS, not denominations.

Answer #2

Cathlocs believe you are born guilty so when your a baby you get baptized but usually in the Christian religion your born innocent till you realize your sins

Actually NO, most Christian denominations believe that babies are born in sin, for example protestants do and certain others as well. I’ve heard it mentioned in at least 5 different churches (denominations)

Answer #3

Cathlocs believe you are born guilty so when your a baby you get baptized but usually in the Christian religion your born innocent till you realize your sins , but when your baptized when your still innocent we believe your no longer saved

Answer #4

the bible says that Jesus is the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father sexcept by me. in another part of the bible it says how can man be saved? and jesus replies that it is impossible my man but with God all things are possible. So, catholics pray, and involve mary in their prayer life. Which is not biblical. the only way to God is through Jesus, and the only way to salvation is through God. Rather people belive that Mary relays the message to Jesus or not, mary was a woman, and Jesus says He is as close as the mention of Hos name. So if you want Him there with you I recomend calling on His name.

Answer #5

being christian means you believe that through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ you can return to live with God again. it’s very generic. being catholic means adhering to a specific set of christian beliefs. like others said, all catholics are christian, not all christians are catholic. just think of christianity as the automobile, and catholics as ford. make sense?

Answer #6

Catholicism is an apostasy from Christianity. Read your Bible to get a definition of Christianity.

And we are supposed to take you seriously after that hamster question? let me guess, this is another one of your “I just want to stir things up” answers.

Answer #7

Catholic is just another DENOMINATION of Christianity.

and stigger, I don’t think you understood the question, also how do you know that YOUR denomination of christianity is the correct one?

at least according to me (even I don’t like the catholic denomination) they are one of the ONLY ones that really tries to follow their bible to the point.

Answer #8

Catholic is a denomination. It’s not much different than other denominations. Except Jewish People and Muslims.

Answer #9

Catholicism is a sect of Christianity. We believe that the bread and wine we have at mass is really the body and blood of Jesus Christ through transubstantiation. We believe in the sanctity of human life. We believe in a lot, and if you really want to find out more about Catholicism, you should read the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

For everyone who has just commented against the Church, have you ever really experienced being a Catholic? If not, how can you judge?

Answer #10

Catholicism is a denomination of Christianity… similarly to how the Corolla is a product of Toyota.

Answer #11

chill!! JC!! I was just makein sure:P

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