Whats the best weight loss product?

My mom wants to know whats the best weight loss product is. I know there are so many of them. I think I’ve seen 15 commercials about them in the past 30 minutes.

So if you’ve used any weight loss products and they worked wonderfully like you’ve lost 30 pounds. Please let me know. Because in our family we can’t lose the weight ourselves. Its never worked. My mom really needs to know about a good weight loss product.

Answer #1

Hi I am currently trying to lose 100 lbs so far I have lost 8lbs on my first month no starving required. When it comes to losing weight it’s extremely difficult, but it can be done. You need to start with determination, discipline and really want it. I’m giving you these websites for you to get more info on: myspace.con/herbalrus, please read the blogs and on the herbalnutrition.net/jemmvli you can get more info on your health. Remember there are many people offering you many products but I myself am a living testimony and I am also tired of the overweight issue. I currently don;t have pics of me posted due to the embarrasment of how I look and anybody with a weight issue knows that taking pics is not a fun thing to do. But I will post them as soon as I feel I can dig up the courage to take the after. I do have the before pic. hope to hear from you

Answer #2

Hi I am currently trying to lose 100 lbs so far I have lost 8lbs on my first month no starving required. When it comes to losing weight it’s extremely difficult, but it can be done. You need to start with determination, discipline and really want it.
I’m giving you these websites for you to get more info on: myspace.con/herbalrus, please read the blogs and on the herbalnutrition.net/jemmvli you can get more info on your health. Remember there are many people offering you many products but I myself am a living testimony and I am also tired of the overweight issue. I currently don;t have pics of me posted due to the embarrasment of how I look and anybody with a weight issue knows that taking pics is not a fun thing to do. But I will post them as soon as I feel I can dig up the courage to take the after. I do have the before pic. hope to hear from you herbalrus@herbaljemmvli.com

Answer #3

Its important that she drink a lot of water. I have been on so many diets but really what works best is eating healthy food and working out. However, my husband and I have gotten great results using Isagenix which is also a detox. It cleanses the body from all the harmful toxins and makes it easier to loose weight. Also check out the Dr. Oz books for a great long term combo. here is the website for Isagenix www.leanerandcleaner.com

Answer #4

Strictly Health® Family of Products February 28, 2007

01 MeltRx 24 Ultra™ (hands down best)

02 LiporidAM (fat loss substrates)

03 LiporidPM nightime fat burner

04 The Ultimate Success Kit

05 Weight Loss & Wellness System

06 PantoSure Fat Loss catalyst 07 NutriMelt® Fat Loss Shakes

08 NutriMelt® Snack Food Bars

09 Lipofuel Thermogenic Pill

10 Cellumelt® Cellulite Eraser

11 Slenderizer (Liver Cleanser)

12 Supercharge your Libido 13 Fat Blaster

14 Hunger Block Plus™

15 TrapRx™ Fat Blocker

16 Flax Seeds

17 Tonalin® CLA

18 Lift™ (mood enhancer)

Not sure which product is right for you? Find out below…

Product #

8714-1001 Don’t keep ‘band-aiding’ your weight loss problems

The numbers don’t lie. Five out of ten people have an extremely difficult time losing weight. Four out of ten damage their health trying to do so…and eight out of ten gain it right back. Stop wasting valuable time. Get fast, reliable, long-term results with the new stimulant-free supplement that melts away stubborn fat easier than anything you’ve tried before…This natural 3 in 1 hi-tech, product formulated in an expensive and exacting procedure is for when you’re tired of risking your health and wasting your money on ordinary diet pills.

Answer #5

sikashimmer is right. OTC weight loss products generally don’t work and the few that do help loose weight can be dangerous.

There are perscription medications that can help loose weight but you doctor is probably not going to write a perscription for them unless there is a medical need to loose weight. I’ve met women who lost weight taking Meredia. The challenge remains not gaining all the weight back after you go off medications.

The healthiest diet I know of is low fat pure vegetarian or vegan diet. Dr. McDougall has been promoting this diet for years http://www.drmcdougall.com/ He sells books but there is enough info on his website to start withput buying anything. In my case my allergies and asthma improved greatly going on this diet so I got a lot more out of it than just weight loss.

Answer #6

You can go to www.smartfitforever.com they have great products on that site, which really helped me not only lose weight but most importantly staying healthy.. You can read about all the products, and your mom can pick the one that is best for her..

Good luck

Answer #7

ok products dont work and my mom had the same problem and so her and a friend joined WEIGHT WATCHERS and shes lost a little more than 40 LBS because you eat what you want like when she joined she had my dad and I on it and I havent been really trying because im pretty thin but when she started over the summer I lost 10 lbs and m mom like either looses 1 -2 lbs a week it really works. hoped it helped

Answer #8

ok products dont work and my mom had the same problem and so her and a friend joined WEIGHT WATCHERS and shes lost a little more than 40 LBS because you eat what you want like when she joined she had my dad and I on it and I havent been really trying because im pretty thin but when she started over the summer I lost 10 lbs and m mom like either looses 1 -2 lbs a week it really works. hoped it helped

Answer #9

ok products dont work and my mom had the same problem and so her and a friend joined WEIGHT WATCHERS and shes lost a little more than 40 LBS because you eat what you want like when she joined she had my dad and I on it and I havent been really trying because im pretty thin but when she started over the summer I lost 10 lbs and m mom like either looses 1 -2 lbs a week it really works. hoped it helped

Answer #10

I posted an article about this very topic. Head over there and check it out.

It is amazing how I found your question and I had just blogged about this.

You will find some great answers there.


It is all about reeducating yourself, understanding the truths that let us live a high performance life.

Answer #11

My ant did this thing where she clensed(sp?) her body for 31 days. That meant NO sugar, NO fat, NO fast food, and NO caffene(sp?) in a matter of 2 days she had lost 4 POUNDS!! try it !!

Answer #12

DO NOT use weight loss products, they can speed up your heart rate and cause heart attacks. They generally don’t work anyway. The best bet for your mom is to talk to her doctor who can help her come up with a plan to loose weight the HEALTHY way. Please, take my advice, don’t let your mom use pills! Peace.

Answer #13

Yeah my mom has tried that. We just have really slow metabolisms my entire family does. And its horrible. I mean I became anorexic because I couldn’t stand being big. And now I weight just at 100 and am 5’10” Its unhealthy. And I just want to help my mom.

Answer #14

Weight loss products don’t work so don’t waste your money.

They will only work in conjunction with diet and exercise. (if you notice on the commercials it will say in small print, “Use with any diet or exercise”)

So you might as well just diet and exercise. It’s a healthy way of losing the weight and if you make it a normal routine it will keep you healthy.

Try the Abs Diet http://www.absdiet.com/uof/absdiet/ and get Women’s Health Mag http://www.womenshealthmag.com/

Answer #15

I posted an article about this very topic. Head over there and check it out.

It is amazing how I found your question and I had just blogged about this.

You will find some great answers there.


It is all about reeducating yourself, understanding the truths that let us live a high performance life.

Answer #16

u could try eating alot less…i did that and lossed liked 10 poumds… : )

Answer #17

Vegetables, fruits, and ice cold water!

Answer #18

a lot of people say the south beach diet works i guess u could try that

Answer #19

read this review site

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