What's the difference between weight and fat?

Answer #1

Muscle weighs more than fat does. if someone weighs 200 lbs then that could mean that they have a certain amount of muscles that contributed to their weight. If you have body fat, that stills weighs something but just because you weigh extra does not necessarily mean you are fat.

Answer #2

oic, thx man

Answer #3

muscle is denser than fat, so one pound of muscle takes up less space than one pound of fat. A person with lots of muscles who weighs 200 pounds is going to be a lot smaller than a person who has lots of fat and weighs 200 pounds.

Answer #4

Muscle weighs more than fat PER SQuARE inch. Not nessisarily that it can be most of your mass. You can have 3 lbs of fat and 3 lbs of muscle, and there will be more fat than muscle.

Answer #5

oic thx =D

Answer #6

oh .. thx

Answer #7

Weight is the effect of gravity upon mass (which is particles) Fat is a lipid0, made of a reasonable large molecular sting.

The two have very little to do with each other, apart from the fact fat has weight, but then again, all matter does

Answer #8

Wen someone says weight it usually means muscle and fat is just fat u know! Fat doesn’t do u any good if u have too much! :( :D

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