What you rather have?

Would you rather have rats, mice, roaches, or lizards running around in your house for like a year… I would want mice, they are sooo cute!

Answer #1

Lizards…I don’t think they multiply as fast…and they eat bugs.


Answer #2

I vote 4 mice because there so small and cute

Answer #3

lizards lol! I love snakes and reptiles:)

Answer #4

another vote for lizards- I have 2 of them, but they are in a terrarium, and not running around.

Answer #5


Answer #6

um well when I was younger we had a bad roach problem for over a year it was pretty bad :*[ so I guess roaches but in case your wondering we got all rid of them and now theres not a single one in our house:D

Answer #7

Lizards. They don’t spread human diseases for the most part and don’t make much of a mess either.

Answer #8

lizards actully will keep bugs out so I go lizards…plus rats and mice carry fleas…though I love then because their sooo cute :3

Answer #9

It depends is the rats and mice are tamed but if they werent then I would choose lizards nut only like geckos and not the bigs ones because they leave larges messes!!

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