What will my boyfriend think of my vagina bumps?

If we have sex, what will he think? Some people said they got them because of tampons.. Will he feel the bumps? And will they be uncomfotable for him?

Answer #1

As long as they aren’t like..herpes, then he shouldnt need to think about them. He prob won’t even notice them to be honest :P

Answer #2

a lot of times when a girl shaves she gets these bumps, like razor burn. And if he loves you and your having sex for the right reason he isn`t going to care. Most guys well be too into the sex to notice sometime as small as that

Answer #3

Yeah its not herpes, but its inside… It doesnt hurt or anything… Ok thanks(:

Answer #4

Make sure its not a STD.

Answer #5

Oh, the inside bumps of your walls? Completely normal. It’ll feel great to him. They make sex toys for guys now adays that have like super huge bumps, bigger than female bumps and a lot of guys like those toys.

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